  • 學位論文


The study of the relationship between the human apical periodontitis and the coronary artery disease

指導教授 : 洪純正


研究目的: 本研究的目的是觀察冠狀動脈粥狀硬化造成動脈狹窄之嚴重程度及各項心血管疾病風險指標和利用X光影像檢查評估牙根尖周圍炎的發生之間是否有關聯性的存在。 材料與方法: 121位有冠狀動脈疾病病史的患者,依據症狀不同先由心臟科醫師評估是否需要進行心導管手術來治療或是血管造影來評估冠狀動脈的狹窄程度,分為冠狀動脈疾病組以及對照組。同時利用全口根尖片評估每位患者的口腔狀況,計算在X光片上顯現做過根管治療的牙齒數、根尖周圍炎數量、做過根管治療且有根尖周圍炎的牙齒數及口內剩餘牙齒顆數,並評估與冠狀動脈疾病及其他風險因子的相關性。 結果: 以是否有冠狀動脈疾病探討冠狀動脈疾病及口內狀況的關係作分析,結果顯示冠狀動脈的有無與全口牙齒數量(p = 0.4175)、全口根尖周圍炎(p = 0.5934)、接受根管治療(p =0.1388)、接受根管治療且有根尖周圍炎(p=0.3644)之盛行率無顯著相關,但全口根尖周圍炎在有冠狀動脈疾病的患者中會有較高的趨勢。以diffuse score 評估冠狀動脈疾病嚴重程度,調整其他相關因子之後,與全口牙齒數量(p=0.9058)、全口根尖周圍炎(p=0.8541)、接受根管治療(p=0.3481)、接受根管治療且有根尖周圍炎(p=0.2074)之盛行率無顯著相關。 結論: 在調整各項因子後,冠狀動脈疾病的有無及嚴重程度與根尖周圍炎之盛行率沒有明顯的關聯。


Objective: This study aims to evaluate the association between angiographically defined coronary artery disease, risk factors of coronary artery disease and apical periodontitis revealed by radiographically. Materials and Methods: 121 patients with the history of coronary artery disease(CAD) and CAD syndromes were assessed with a thorough clinical evaluation by an experienced cardiologist. Coronary angiography was considered to identify coronary lesions and , if needed, to treat appropriately. The evaluation of apical periodontitis was by reading of full mouth radiography. We also recorded the apical periodontitis of molars, root-filled teeth, root-filled teeth with apical periodontitis and the number of teeth. Result: The samples were divided to subjects with CAD (n=92) and without CAD (n=29). There is no statistically significant association between the total tooth number( p = 0.4175), number of apical periodontitis(p = 0.5934), root-filled teeth(p =0.1388), root-filled with apical periodontitis( p=0.3644) and CAD(by Student’s t-test). There is also no statistically significant association between the total tooth number(p=0.9058), number of apical periodontitis(p=0.8541), root-filled teeth(p=0.3481), root-filled with apical periodontitis(p=0.2074) and the severity of CAD after adjustment for other factors common to both diseases. Conclusion: After accounting for factors common to both diseases, there is no statistically significant association between prevalence of apical periodontitis and CAD assessed by angiography.


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