  • 學位論文


The Training of Female Teachers in the Teacher's Colleges and Their Experience in Gender education

指導教授 : 成令方


本文藉由訪問十位出生於民國40年代,畢業於師範專科學校(簡稱師專)的女老師,試圖欲了解她們進入師專的原因、在師專所受的教育,包括學科知識與身體規訓為何?以及她們進入職場後的性別教育教學經驗,包括她們怎麼教導學生生理衛生知識?怎麼處理學生情感問題?怎麼教導學生對身體的尊重?怎麼看待學生的性別氣質? 因為過去的研究並沒有人重視師專教育中的身體規訓,以及師專背景女老師的性別教學經驗,所以藉由本文,除了回顧了這段無人重視的師專畢業女老師的專業歷程,也藉由她們的教學經驗了解這一輩老師在性別教學經驗所呈現的特殊性,以及這一輩女老師在三十年的教學生涯中,面對社會轉變,她們身為一個老師,做為一個女人的身分,對她們的專業和自我認同帶來什麼樣的衝擊和影響。 研究發現主要有三:(一)女老師們進入師專的原因可能有家庭經濟狀況不佳、家庭教育資源分配不均、性別刻板印象、教師工作收入穩定等因素。師專除了學科的涵養,在生活教育上採取「軍事化」的管理方式,對於學生的作息、身體、情慾都加以嚴格規訓。(二)在性別教學過程中,由於老師、學生所處的輩份和性別位置不同,因此形成了多樣的性別關係。而女老師雖然接受了「性別平等」的再教育,但畢竟成長於保守的年代並受到師專規訓,所以在教導、實踐性別平等的同時也與固有的保守觀念互相拉扯。(三)老師們對於「性別教育」印象最深刻的還是在「教導生理衛生知識」這一塊,我想這與她們所處的時代背景有關。因為她們在就讀師專和初踏入職場時並沒有受過「性別教育」的訓練,一直到民國86年,課程中才加入「性別」的概念。而這也是這一輩老師在性別教學經驗所呈現的特殊性。


By interviewing ten female teachers who were born in 1950s and graduated from the Teacher's Colleges, this article is intended to explore why they attended the Teacher's Colleges, and what they had learned at the Teacher's Colleges. Also this article would focus on subject knowledge and body discipline, and their experience in gender education when teaching at school that including how they taught students knowledge about physical sanitation, how they taught students to respect bodies, and how they treated students’ gender temperament. In the past research, not many people paid attention to the education about body discipline in the Teacher's Colleges, and the gender educational experience of the female teachers who graduated from the Teacher's Colleges, so in this article, we not only looked back to the unvalued professional course of the female teachers who graduated from the Teacher's Colleges, but also used their educational experience to realize the particularity they showed in their experience in gender education, and during the teaching career for 30 years, as a teacher and a woman, what kind of impact and influence were caused in their profession and self- identification when they faced social changes. There are three main discoveries: (a) the reasons that attracted the female teachers to attend the Teacher's Colleges may due to “poor family economic situation”, “unequal distribution of family educational resources”, “gender stereotypes”, “income stability”, and so on. Besides the training of general subjects, the Teacher's Colleges militarized the management of life education, strictly disciplining students’ routine, body, and sexuality. (b) In the course of gender education, teachers and students were in the different generation and gender position and resulted in a variety of gender relation. Although the female teachers were offered more knowledge about gender equality, they had grown up in a conservative era and had the Teacher's Colleges’ discipline; therefore, they had a conflict between teaching, practicing gender equality and the conservative idea they had. (c) To the teachers, the most impressive concept in gender education was teaching knowledge towards physical sanitation, and this may due to their historical background. Because the training of gender education was not offered at that time during their study and the beginning of their career, and the concept of gender was added to general subject till 1997 so that caused the particularity they showed in their experience in gender education.




