  • 學位論文


Factors Associate with Customer Loyalty – The case of health food customers

指導教授 : 詹道明
共同指導教授 : 林孟彥(Meng-Yan Lin)


根據中央社台北報導,經濟部工業局表示2006年台灣保健食品產值約新台幣380億元,年增10%,估計2008年產值可達460億元。「保健食品」的市場商機如此的龐大,但消費者在保健食品的購買忠誠度上有著極大的不確定性。面對各式各樣的行銷手法,及愈來越多五花八門的商品,忠誠的顧客已經越來越少。如何建立一個好的顧客忠誠度,提供令人滿意的服務,使顧客願意再次光臨。是值得令人深思及研究探討。本研究採用問卷方式收集資料以藥局的消費者為主要對象,探討在不同消費者基本資料之下之顧客忠誠度。依據Kotler (1999)、Bowen & Chen (2001) 等文獻設計問卷,內容包含:消費者購買決策、顧客滿意度、藥師專業技能、疾病種類等部分,藉由這些變數來探討對顧客忠誠度的影響。資料經敘述性統計分析及變異數分析,其結果歸納如下: 1、消費者購買決策對顧客忠誠度的影響呈正相關。 2、顧客滿意度對顧客忠誠度的影響呈正相關。 3、藥師的專業技能對顧客忠誠度的影響呈正相關。 4、疾病種類對顧客忠誠的影響呈正相關。 5、消費者基本資料對顧客忠誠度的影響呈正相關。


The market value of healthy food is about thirty-eight billion in Taiwan, according to report of the Central News Agency in March 6th, 2007. The value can reach forty-six billion in year 2008 at the rate of 10% annually. The official statistics shows the average market value of healthy food is about fifty billion. Although the market value is tremendous huge, however, the consumer’s loyalty to healthy food is very uncertainty reflects on their purchasing decision. The market is full of various products and marketing activities make the consumers are less brand loyalty. How to provide satisfied customer service, re-build their loyalty and reflecting on their continuous buying behavior is worth a through research and investigation. This research is focus on the consumer who bought the healthy food from local pharmacy. Using questionnaire to collect the data and investigate the different factors which affect customer loyalty. The design of questionnaire is based on the study of Kotler (1999) and Bowen & Chen (2001). The variance includes consumer’s decision making, customer’s satisfaction, professionalism of pharmacist and kinds of disease. After variance analysis and the descriptive statistic analysis, the finding of this research is summarized as following: 1. The consumer’s decision making has positive correlation with customer’s loyalty. 1. The consumer’s decision making has positive correlation with customer’s loyalty. 2. The customer’s satisfaction has positive correlation with their loyalty. 3. The professionalism of pharmacist has positive correlation with customer’s loyalty. 4. The kind of disease has positive correlation with customer’s loyalty. 5. The customer’s background has positive correlation with their loyalty.


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