  • 學位論文


Three Working Class Women’s Work and Families: Work Transition and Coping Strategies

指導教授 : 林津如


不同於中產階級,勞工階級女性由於各種結構性限制,往往無法符合主流社會中對「賢妻良母」的想像。基於這樣的啟發,本研究聚焦於她們的勞動歷程,探究她們在父權資本社會底下,在生命不同的階段,如何兼顧家庭與工作?採用何種策略?展現怎樣的主體性或能動?換言之,在性別及階級交織下,勞工階級女性形塑出怎樣的家務勞動與有償工作之勞動歷程呢?   本研究採質性研究法,以深度訪談方式進行,微觀描繪三位現年約五十歲左右勞工階級女性,在臺灣工業化及都市化脈絡下,兼顧家務勞動與有償工作的勞動歷程,並以Glucksmann「勞動的總體社會組織」理論為基礎,分析勞工階級女性在工作與家庭的轉換歷程與因應策略。本研究能解析資本主義及父權的結構性運作,是如何形塑她們的生命歷程,並讓讀者看見勞工階級女性的力量。   本研究首先針對勞動歷程,作出性別分析:她們年輕時為原生家庭出外打拼,結婚以後,必須承擔起家中主要經濟責任,卻因為缺乏支持系統,連帶工作也受影響,僅能在非正式部門工作之間流轉。儘管如此,她們仍然無法脫離父權底下女性一定會遇到的各種照顧議題。   如何在有限資源下因應家庭與工作的兩難?三位勞工階級女性分別以「隨遇而安看事辦事」、「古力與時間彈性化」與「目標專一能做就做」等具體策略,來兼顧各自的家庭與工作。換句話說,她們為了家庭與工作所發展出來的多元兼顧策略,更展現了女人自己的主體性及能動。


家庭 工作 勞工階級 女性勞工


Working class women are different from middle class women for a variety of structural restrictions. Thus, they couldn’t be good wives and mothers in the mainstream. Based on the inspiration, the study would like to discuss their labor course and point its feature. How did they deal with domestic work and paid work in patriarchy-and-capital society if they got married or had babies? What were their strategies? How did they show subjectivity and agency in the course? In other words, what did working class women shape the labor course of domestic work and paid work under the intersection of gender and class?   In the study, three labor women about 50 years old are engaged in a semi-structured and in-depth interview so that their labor course including domestic work and paid work are described microscopically in the context of industrialization and urbanization in Taiwan. Besides, the study uses Glucksmann (1995) “total social organization of labor” as the theory to analyze women and labor issues. The study expects to not only analyze the operation of capitalism and patriarchy but helps people to see working class women’s strength under structural constraints.   The study analyzes gender relations in labor processes: they worked hard for original family, but roamed between informal sector work. After getting married, they had to bear the economical responsibilities in the family while at the same time, their work was hampered due to a lack of informal support system. Nevertheless, they still shoulder the family’s care responsibilities.   What are their coping strategies? They adopted strategies such as “feel at ease with any circumstance”, “work hard with flexible time” and “work as possible as I can with one single target” to handle their own domestic work and paid work. That is to say, they developed multiple balanced strategies to cope with the double burden of their family and work, showing women’s subjectivity and agency.


domestic work paid work working class labor women


