  • 學位論文


Predictors of difficulties in care of patients with suicide attempts

指導教授 : 賴倩瑜


本研究主要目的是在探討護理人員照顧有自殺企圖病患的護理困難相關因素與預測因子。採用橫斷式研究設計,經立意取樣以南部某醫學中心之急診及精神科急性、日間病房或慢性病房等單位之護理人員為研究對象,有效樣本數為164位護理人員。以不記名自填結構式問卷收集資料,研究工具包括:(一)護理人員基本資料、(二)護理困難量表。所得研究資料以t檢定、變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析及複迴歸進行分析。研究結果顯示:(1) 照護有自殺企圖病患之「護理困難」會因婚姻狀況、宗教信仰、目前工作病房屬性及ㄧ年內曾照顧過自殺病患的個案數的不同而有顯著差異。(2) 護理人員的年齡、護理工作總年資及工作單位年資與照顧企圖自殺病患的護理困難呈現顯著負相關。(3) 護理人員的年齡、護理工作總年資、婚姻狀況、宗教信仰、目前工作病房屬性以及ㄧ年內曾照顧過自殺病患的個案數為照護有自殺企圖病患之「護理困難」的顯著預測因子。本研究結果能作為未來相關護理繼續教育或新進人員教育課程的參考,盼能提升護理人員照護此類病患的護理品質。 關鍵詞:自殺企圖、護理困難


自殺企圖 護理困難


The purpose of this study was to explore the relative factors and predictors of difficulties in care of patients with suicide attempts. A cross-sectional design and purposive sampling were used in this study. A total sample of 164 nurses was recruited from emergency department, psychiatric acute ward, day care, or chronic ward of a medical center in southern Taiwan. An anonymous survey with structural questionnaire was conducted to collect data. The instruments included: (1) demographic data; (2) nursing difficulties scale. T-test, ANOVA, Pearson’s correlation and multiple regressions were used for statistical analysis. The results of this study indicated that (1) Significant differences of difficulties in care of patients with suicide attempts were found in marriage status, religion, the types of work units, and the number of suicide patients who were taken care within one year while collecting data. (2) Nurses’ age, the number of years of working in nursing, and the number of years of working in the current unit were negatively correlated with the difficulty of nursing. (3) Nurses’ age, the number of years of working in nursing, marriage status, religion, the types of work units, and the number of suicide patients who were taken care within one year while collecting data were significant predictors of the difficulty of nursing in care of patients with suicide attempts. The findings of this study provide a valuable reference for designing future nursing continuous education and new nurses’ training programs, to improve the nursing quality of caring for patients with suicide attempts. Keywords:suicide attempts, nursing difficulty


suicide attempts nursing difficulty


王美嬅、楊美賞 (2001)•急診護理人員對精神病患的態度及處理自信•高雄醫學大學護理研究所碩士論文。
毛家舲、張玨(1997) •精神科急診照顧•護理雜誌,44(5),89。
