  • 學位論文


Investigating the association between family structure and personality with cigarette, alcohol and betel quid chewing on adolescents students

指導教授 : 何佩珊


研究背景: 來自不完整家庭的青少年比來自完整家庭的青少年擁有較貧乏的心理健康與低自尊,有較多喝酒、抽菸及其他藥物使用與反社會行為情況。人格特質、低自尊、焦慮感和憂鬱均可能成為物質濫用之使用的動機,憂鬱影響尤巨,因此引發本研究動機。 研究目的: 本研究主要在探討家庭結構與人格因素及同儕對青少年抽菸、喝酒嚼檳榔行為之相關性與影響因素。 研究方法: 研究對象為屏東縣三所國中七(462人)、八(481人)、九(499人)年級學生,總樣本數1493人。研究工具是新訂賴氏人格測驗、自尊量表Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale(RSE)、流行病學研究中心憂鬱量表Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale(CES-D)、及結構式問卷,問卷內容包括:人口學基本資料、家庭結構、父母婚姻狀況、家人及同儕以及受試者使用菸、酒、檳榔情形及其態度。 研究結果: 本研究結果發現:嚼食檳榔盛行率為7.10%(男性11.97%,女性 1.89%),吸菸盛行率為14.09%(男性19.73%,女性8.12%),飲酒盛行率為21.60%(男性23.27%,女性19.83%)。開始使用的時間均以國小5-6年級為最多。迴歸分析顯示:同儕、兄弟姐妹,使用菸、酒、檳榔,對受試者的影響遠大於父母親對受試者使用菸、酒、檳榔的影響;高年級、與受試者對菸酒檳榔的態度、隔代教養家庭、有無記過處分的經驗、及在校成績表現等,與學生使用菸、酒、檳榔行為有關。低自尊與外控型人格與學生使用菸、酒、檳榔等行為有關;吸菸、飲酒會隨著學生憂鬱程度增加而上升;但在回歸分析中並不很顯著。 結論與建議: 男生使用菸酒檳榔均比女生高,但吸菸的性比例已縮小;且在飲酒方面,性別並無顯著差異。隔代教養家庭的青少年,使用菸、酒、檳榔的機率遠高於單親和完整家庭,所造成的影響不容小覷。同儕與家人的行為,會誘使模仿菸、酒、檳榔等行為的產生;同儕嚼檳榔及吸菸對青少年的影響比父母的影響還大,但在飲酒行為方面,家人對青少年的影響比同儕大。外控型人格與學生使用菸、酒、檳榔等行為有關。 教育宣導工作須及早規劃,注意學生人格因素與家庭結構影響,教導舒緩情緒壓力等技巧,並善用同儕的影響力,則應仍可有效遏止青少年吸菸、飲酒、嚼檳榔的行為。


飲酒 嚼檳榔 人格 隔代教養


Background: Adolescents from divorced families experience poorer mental health and lower self-esteem than those from intact families, and report more alcohol、tobacco and other drug use and antisocial behaviors. Lowered self-esteem,anxiety and depression may be motivations for substance abuse,particularly depressants. It is hoped that this research will give deeper insight into this area. Study objective: This study aims to explore the related factors affecting family structure, personality and peer effect on smoking, drinking and betel quid chewing in adolescent students. Methods: The study sample was taken from students of three junior high schools in Pingtung County in southern Taiwan. The total sample number was 1493 cases which included 462 seventh grade, 481 eighth grade、and 499 ninth grade students. The data of the research was collected by questionnaire. The researchers collected data via the new Lai personality examination, the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale(RSE), the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale(CES-D)and also administered a structural questionnaire. The questionnaire contained basic demographic information on adolescent (include peer and family) attitudes and behavior toward smoking, drinking, and betel quid chewing . Results : The prevalent rate of betel quid chewing was 7.10% (male 11.97%, female 1.89%), cigarette smoking 14.09% (male 19.73%, female 8.12%), and alcohol drinking 21.60% (male 23.27%, female 19.83%) of interviewed students. Initial use was in the fifth-sixth grade. Logistic regression analysis showed the major factors influencing adolescent smoking, alcohol use, and betel nut use included: poor grades、family structure with grand-parenting、smoking, drinking and betel nut use attitude、peer and sibling behaviors、and overall academic achievement. Peer and sibling behavior had more relative importance than parenting influence on adolescent smoking and betel nut use. But family alcohol use more relative importance then peer. Lower self –esteem and externalized personality had some effect on smoking,alcohol use and betel-nut use, as did the influence of depression on smoking and drinking,but in logistic regression was not significant. Conclusion: The incidence of male smoking, alcohol use and betel nut use was higher then that for females, but in cigarette use the distinction between genders was reduced; with alcohol use there was no variation. Grand-parenting has an influence on adolescent smoking, alcohol and betel nut use more than in single parent and intact families, and focus should be placed on this problem. Peers and family will also influence these three behaviors, but peer smoking and betel nut use is more important than parental influences;family alcohol use is also more important than peer alcohol use. Externalized personality disassociation is linked with adolescent smoking,alcohol and betel-nut use. Intervention programs should be designed for early intervention and need to focus on adolescent personality、family structure、the teaching of mood relaxation techniques and the influence of peers in stopping smoking, drinking and betel quid chewing in adolescents.


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2. 何清松。中學生嚼食檳榔盛行率與危險因子之調查研究〔博士論
3. 李靜。組織氣候、人格特質和工作滿足之關聯性研究-以台北市醫


陳怡雅(2012)。國中生健康相關行為及校園安全對於 身心適應狀況關係之影響 -追蹤資料分析〔碩士論文,中山醫學大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6834/CSMU.2012.00169
