  • 學位論文


The barriers and unmet dental needs among children with developmental delay in Taiwan

指導教授 : 黃純德


目的:探討台灣發展遲緩兒童的未滿足牙科醫療需求與就醫障礙之情形 方法:本研究為立意取樣,共取得250位發展遲緩兒童與其家長之同意參口腔檢查與自填式問卷,所有孩童之年齡皆為六歲以下,由受過一致性訓練之牙醫師做口腔檢查,問卷部分則由家長或主要照護者填寫完成。本研究通過高雄醫學大學人體試驗委員會之IRB認可,並於受測前得到家長之授權同意始得進行。問卷所得的資料藉由統計軟體進行分析。 結果:在基本統計量上,男性占70.08% (n=177)而女性占29.20% (n=73)。孩童最常見的牙科醫療需求是填補(38.40%),而其中有57.94% (n=135)的家長認為其孩童沒有未滿足的牙科醫療需求。若孩童有未滿足醫科醫療需求,則相較於沒有未滿足醫科醫療需求的孩童會有1.71倍的風險有未滿足牙科醫療需求。沒有定期檢的孩童相較於有定期檢查的孩童會有2.78倍的風險有未滿足牙科醫療需求。主要阻礙家長帶孩子去牙科看診的原因為1.很難在附近找到專業的特殊需求專科牙醫師(51.46%, n=106)2.不知道要帶孩子去哪裡看牙醫(42.86%, n=87) 結論:最常見的牙科醫療需求是填補,由研究結果得知,未滿足牙科醫療需求及障礙仍存在於發展遲緩兒童身上。訓練更多合格的特殊需求專科牙醫師,並且增進發展遲緩兒童的牙科就醫可近性,是目前台灣社會亟需達成的目標之一。


Aim: To evaluate the barriers of unmet dental needs among children with developmental delay (CDD) in Taiwan. Methods: 250 CDD, less than six years old, and their parents were invited to complete the oral examination and self-administered questionnaire related to dental needs and barriers by purposive sampling. Informed consent was obtained from the participants’ parents and the study was approved by the Institutional Review Board of Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital. The descriptive frequencies were used for statistical analysis. Results: There were 70.08% (n=177) male and 29.20% (n=73) female participants. The most common dental need of CDD was restoration (38.40%). 57.94% (n=135) parents thought their child didn’t have unmet dental needs. The CDD had unmet medical need had 1.71 times of chance to had unmet dental need. The CDD didn’t have routine dental visit had 2.78 times of chance to had unmet dental need. The reasons of parents not taking children to the dentist are: 1. Hard to find a dentist's office that is disabled accessible (51.46%, n=106). 2. Do not know where to take child to the dentist (42.86%, n=87) Conclusion: The most common dental treatment needs were restoration, and there are still barriers of unmet dental needs in CDD. Training more qualified special needs dentists and improve dental accessibility for CDD are the most important goal for Taiwan society.


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