  • 學位論文


Development and Evaluation of a Personal Health Management System with Integration of Mobile Technology and Cloud Services

指導教授 : 吳文雄


隨著時代變化,大部分的民眾對自我的健康漸漸忽略,加上龐大的生活壓力,生活作息時間緊湊爭分奪秒,與生活型態息息相關的退化性疾病和慢性疾病已經漸漸取代過去的傳染性疾病,為了預防慢性疾病的發生,應多加注意自我的生活習慣,除了飲食控制、多運動之外,民眾平日應更加注意自己的血糖、血脂、血壓等生理數據,養成長時間定期量血壓、血糖、血脂的良好習慣,隨時注意身體各種健康數值的變化並將數據紀錄下來,透過整合資通訊技術(ICT)可以幫助民眾更加快速、簡便的達到自我健康管理的功效。 本研究使用智慧型行動裝置作為基礎的操作平台,開發一個結合行動化科技與雲端服務的健康資訊管理系統,透過本研究建置之系統可以採用本研究開發之應用程式進行患者的生理訊號量測,另外也可透過不同的智慧型行動裝置使用本研究中開發之上傳數據應用程式進行患者資訊的搜集儲存,並且即時監測。醫療專業人員於監控生理數據時,可運用隨身攜帶的智慧型行動裝置,就可開啟本研究之健康資訊管理系統進行操作,並且透過網路即可達到隨時隨地進行健康資訊收集等照護行為,經由此方式可以解決時間與空間的限制,減少在醫療照護上許多時間及成本。最後進行問卷與分析資訊科技應用於個人健康管理系統的可用性評估,並依分析結果修正設計系統的功能,以加強系統實用性與可用性。


With the time changes, people gradually neglect their own health. Due to pressure and tense lifestyle, the threat to people’s health has turned from contagious illness to chronic illness. It is important to measure regularly and keep an eye on our blood sugar, blood lipids, blood pressure, and waistline. We should focus on every data of own body and record it any time. With the telecare of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) can help people faster and more convenience to reach the function of personal health management. This research applies smart mobile device as foundation for developing a personal health management system that integrate mobile technology and cloud service. This research system can be applied for this research application for measuring patients’ physical signal. It can also be used for gathering patients’ information and immediate monitoring through different smart mobile device with the uploading data application developed in this research. By carrying a smart mobile device, medical professions can open and operate this health information that allow them to control patients’ actual health situation efficiently. It can collect health information and care immediate though the Internet. This method goes beyond time and places to reduce medical care operating time and burden. There will be a questionnaire test and information and technology analysis in the end to evaluate the availability of applying technology to own health management. The analysis will also for modifying the functions of the designed system and reinforcing the practicability and availability.


1. 中華電信股份有限公司,中華電信遠距居家照護研討會,2010,
2. 王建堯,「智慧型行動自主健康管理系統之建構-以三高疾病為例」,臺北醫學大學醫學資訊研究所碩士論文,2009。
3. 百度百科,「Windows Azure」,http://baike.baidu.com/view/1953318.htm。


