  • 學位論文


Development of a Integration Platform for Medical Equipment Management System

指導教授 : 王明誠


隨著當今醫院醫療儀器管理逐漸趨向電子化,其模式主要透過醫院內部區域網路提供醫療儀器線上管理,系統建置上需要投入大量人力進行開發與維護,為了降低人力開發成本與符合使用者以不同平台進行儀器管理,本研究基於Ionic跨平台APP行動應用程式開發框架,撰寫iOS與Android提供前端使用者任一種手機裝置,並與後端網路伺服器透過HTTP超文本傳輸協定,實現不同裝置之間網路資料傳輸交換,創建一套整合系統讓使用者端可透過Web Browser網頁瀏覽器、iOS與Android行動App應用程式三種管道進行醫療儀器的管理,大幅改善了醫院相關操作人員的便利度與降低系統開發成本,本系統開發功能包含:自訂 Word 保養工單、App讀取Word、App觸控手寫簽名、匯出 PDF 電子檔、Database資料庫儲存歸檔、表格統計圖等資料,因應台灣國內醫院評鑑,相關醫護單位可藉由本系統開發之整合平台,大幅改善醫院相關人員醫療儀器操作管理的便利度與降低系統建置開發成本,最終實現提升醫療品質管理的目標。


With the rapid development of medical equipment management system, the maintenance and development of the system require a lot of manpower and cost. The purpose of this research is to develop a mobile APP based on Ionic framework that can lower down the development cost and provide the user cross-platform experiences for managing the medical equipment. User can trace and manage the medical equipment by browsing the web or using the IOS or Android app. The system will exchange data through the back-end server using HTTP protocol and let the user trace back the medical equipment unit record across different platform. The system features included customize maintenance checklist in WORD format, read WORD file, electronic signature, export PDF file, load/save info in database, statistic info, etc. Based on the related medical unit evaluation, the system provides medical unit easy to operate, lower down the development cost and improve the efficiency of medical equipment.


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