  • 學位論文


Gross motor performance in children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

指導教授 : 吳汶蘭


注意力不足過動症(ADHD)經常伴隨著動作表現異常。目前,學者主 要以精細動作協調的問題為研究主題;然而,粗動作協調的問題仍需進一步探討,因此,本研究主要針對ADHD 兒童之粗動作表現進行探討。22 名患有ADHD 症狀孩童與23 名正常對照組參與本研究,每位參與者至少進行以下三種不同的測驗中的任兩種以上-動態平衡下姿勢控制之任務、投擲球類下力道控制能力之任務、以及跳繩運動下時間知覺和運動協調表現之任務。在平衡木行走姿勢控制任下,ADHD 兒童在步距精度上表現較差,另外,兩組兒童的步態參數皆會受到額外知覺任務的干擾,而當額外增加知覺任務時,ADHD 兒童傾向專注步態姿勢控制任務,而正常對照組則傾向轉移至知覺任務。在投擲球類任務下,ADHD 兒童掌控力道變異量明顯比正常對照組來的大,進而導致投球成功率明顯偏低。在跳繩任下,ADHD 兒童對於時間知覺變異性明顯大於對照組孩童。而在改變拍子速度時,ADHD 兒童也常常無法跟上拍子。本研究結果支持ADHD 兒童有粗動作協調的困難,ADHD兒童有能力完成本研究所要求的任務,但是,比起正常組孩童,ADHD 兒童難以穩定的表現,其動作變化量顯著大於正常對照組,同時也有較差之表現。


Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is usually accompanied by motor abnormalities. However, gross motor coordination problem has received less attention in research than fine motor coordination problem. This study examined gross motor performance outcome of children with ADHD. In this study, 22 children with ADHD and 23 normal controls were recruited in this study. The participants were required to finish at least the two following tasks tests - postural control on dynamic balance task, force control on ball throwing tasks, and timing perception and motor coordination on rope jumping tasks. On postural control task, it could be found that the poor step accuracy in the ADHD group under balance beam walking task. The gait parameter would also be interfered with mental task in both groups. The ADHD group still maintained their attention on walking task; however, the control group would shift attention to mental task. In addition, the children with ADHD displayed a significantly more variable force output on force control task, compared to the normal controls. The ADHD group might have been harder to control the bounce of the balls with different elasticity so that success rate on ball throwing became significant poor. Moreover, the ADHD group showed a significant greater timing variability on rope jumping task. The impaired timing perception resulted in variable hand-foot coordination performance on rope jumping for the children with ADHD. These investigations support the conception that children with ADHD may contribute to gross motor difficulties. The children with ADHD had ability to complete the required tasks in this study; however, they were presented variable and poor performance than the normal controls.


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