  • 學位論文


Effect of Mindfulness Group Intervention on Mindfulness, Emotional Intelligence and Anxiety of High-risk Family Adolescents

指導教授 : 莊勝發


本研究欲瞭解青少年正念團體介入對高風險家庭青少年之正念能力、情緒智能及焦慮程度之影響情形,採用前後測準實驗研究設計,將40名高風險家庭青少年隨機分派各20位受試者到實驗組及對照組。實驗組接受每周一次,為期10周,每次30分鐘之青少年正念團體,並在課後請實驗組受試者記錄每日練習正念的感受及想法,對照組則維持原時段活動進行補救教學或是才藝課程。兩組受試者在團體開始以及結束時須填寫中文版止觀覺察注意力量表(CMAAS)、國中生情緒智力測驗量表以及台灣版多向度兒童青少年焦慮量表(MASC-TV)。研究資料以卡方檢定、單因子共變數分析及相依樣本t檢定進行分析,另輔以半結構式個別訪談資料做對照補充。研究結果發現在青少年正念團體介入後,實驗組與對照組在CMAAS、國中生情緒智力測驗量表及MASC-TV之後測總分皆達顯著差異。另外實驗組在CMAAS、國中生情緒智力測驗量表及MASC-TV前後測分數皆達顯著差異。 綜合上述可知,高風險家庭青少年在接受10周之青少年正念團體後,實驗組受試者的正念能力顯著提升,情緒智力分數顯著增加,而焦慮程度顯著降低,並且在質性資料回饋中,實驗組受試者表示額外感受到注意力提升及身心的放鬆等狀況,亦對本次團體介入活動抱持正向態度,顯示在青少年正念團體為促進高風險家庭青少年心理健康之良好介入方案。


In order to understand the effect of mindfulness group intervention on mindfulness, emotional intelligence and anxiety of high-risk family adolescents, 40 at high-risk family adolescents were randomly assigned to the experimental and control group. The experimental group received mindfulness group 30 minutes a week for 10 weeks, while the control group maintained the original activities. The study use Chinese Mindful Awareness Attention Scale (CMAAS), Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire for students in middle school and Multidimensional Anxiety Scale for Children-Taiwan version(MASC-TV)to collect the data. The results showed that after the intervention of the mindfulness group, the post-test scores to CMMAS , Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire for students in middle school and MASC-TV of experimental group were significantly difference from the control group. The post-test score of the experimental group in CMAAS, Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire for students in middle school and MASC-TV were significantly difference from the pre-test scores. To sun up, after a 10-week youth mindfulness group intervention to at high-risk family adolescents, the participants in the experimental group had significantly improved in mindfulness ability, emotional intelligence, and a significant decrease in anxiety level, and increased attention and relaxation additionally. Those participants also held a positive attitude towards this group intervention, me that the youth mindfulness group is a good intervention program to promote the mental health of at high-risk family adolescents.


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