  • 學位論文

影響減重班成員成功減重的心理社會因子 ─身體意象的角色

Psychosocial Predictors of Successful Weight Reduction in members of weight loss programs:The Role of Body Image

指導教授 : 張家禎


研究目的:瞭解心理社會因子在減重成效的預測結果,著重探討身體意象的角色。 研究方法:本研究採取縱貫性研究設計,研究對象為98年4月至99年5月間,於南部某教學醫院自費參與減重班的成員,每期課程2個月,包含營養、運動課程,並輔以代餐包。本研究使用輪廓圖型評定量表、體型問卷、自尊量表、自我效能量表、社會支持量表、體重控制信念量表以瞭解研究對象在減重介入前/減重介入後改變的心理社會因子之反應狀態,並使用逐步迴歸和路徑分析瞭解各變項對減重成效的預測結果。 研究結果:共83位BMI>24(kg/m2)的樣本,其中男性25人;女性58人,後測時,男性20人;女性35人。研究結果發現減重前身體意象的不滿意程度、減重介入後改變的運動自我效能可預測男性的減重成效;減重前的自覺體型、減重計畫介入後改變的體重控制的障礙性可預測女性的減重成效。身體意象的不滿意為男性減重成效的最大預測因子。 研究討論:將研究結果套用健康心理學和認知行為治療的概念以提供臨床實務上之可行性建議。


Purpose: This study explores effects of psychosocial predictors, especially body image, on body weight reduction. Methods: This research is a longitudinal study. The samples source from the members who charged for weight reduction programs of southern Taiwan medical center during April, 2009 to May, 2010.The program contains nutrition course assisted nutritious diet food and aerobic physical exercise to lose weight gor two months.Using Contour Drawing Rating Scale, Body Shape Questionnaire, Self-Esteem Questionnaire, Self-Efficancy Questionnaire, Social-Support Questionnaire, Belief of Body-Weight Control Questionnare to measure psychosocial variables before and after weight reduction programs. Additionally, apply stepwise regression and path analysis to explore the variables for the prediction of weight-reducing effects. Results: The samples consist 83 members with BMI>24(kg/m2), including 25 male and 58 female, and 20 male and 35 female of post-test.The result reveals that dissatisfying body image before weight reduction programs and changed self-efficancy of exercise after programs can predict the effect of male. Furthermore, body shape self-rating before the programs and obstacle of weight control are predictors for female’s weight reduction effect. As the result, dissatisfying body image is the strongest predictor in male. Discuss: Applying Health Psychology concepts and Congnitive- Behavioral Therapy to interpret this study results and contribute suggestions to clinical practice.


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