  • 學位論文


Investigation of Students' Oral Health Knowledge and Oral Health-related Quality of Life(OHIP-14) - Taking a Medical University in Southern Taiwan

指導教授 : 吳逸民 林英助


背景: 齲齒是一般兒童、青少年時期常見的慢性疾病,雖不是屬於致命的狀況,然而擁有健康的口腔確實能夠增進生活品質。齲齒未接受治療引發的疼痛會影響學童上學出席率,以及吃飯、說話的功能,漸漸的影響其生長與發展。因此,維持健康的牙齒不只在預防各類口腔疾病的發生,更可以促進學童身心的健全發展。台灣衛生單位口腔保健政策方向,以促進及預防口腔保健的趨勢為主,對象偏重於婦幼、學齡前兒童、老人以及山地偏遠離島地區,卻忽略了青少年族群在口腔衛生保健之教育政策,導致大學生在口腔衛生知識行為有所偏差,而影響其未來之發展。 研究目的: 本研究之目的1).分析某南部某醫學大學生口腔相關生活品質(Oral Health Impact Profile)、口腔健康知識之相關性。2).探討口腔醫學相關學系與非口腔醫學相關學系之學生以及不同年級對於口腔健康相關生活品質、口腔健康知識之差異。 研究方法: 總共356位,包括口腔相關科系(牙醫系1、5、6年級、口衛系4年級)及非口腔相關科系(公共衛生學系1、4年級、社會工作學系1、4年級、護理系1年級) 的大學生為本研究對象。採用自答式、建構式問卷調查,內容包括社會人口學變項、口腔健康相關生活品質、口腔健康知識等變項資料。 結果: 發現男性比女性的口腔知識好(p=0.004)、而高年齡比低年齡學生的口腔知識好(p=0.002)以及1~3年級比4~6年級的學生口腔知識好(p=0.003),口腔相關學系比非口腔相關學系的口腔知識來的好(p=<0.0001)。有接受口腔健康相關課程的學生口腔知識(p=<0.0001)顯著高於沒有上過口腔相關課程的學生。而有定期看牙的習慣(p=0.002)、過去一年內曾看過牙醫(p=0.001),口腔知識皆有顯著差異。親戚中有無牙科相關工作以及有無裝置矯正器的大學生們,對於口腔知識皆無差異。 結論與建議: 有接受口腔健康相關課程的大學生口腔健康知識較佳,建議若能再加強大學生的口腔衛生教育以及安排大學生修口腔保健相關課程,這樣對大學生的口腔相關知識能有很大的進步空間,並且也奠定大學生健康發展基礎。


Background: Dental caries is generally a common chronic disease in children and adolescence. Although it is not a mortal situation, but having a healthy mouth can really enhance the quality of life. Pain caused by untreated tooth decay can affect children’s in school attendance, as well as functions of eating and talking, gradually affecting their growth and development. Therefore, maintaining healthy teeth not only in preventing the occurrence of various types of oral diseases, but also to promote the healthy development of children in physically and mentally. The main object of oral health promotion in Taiwan was emphasis only on maternal child, preschool children, the elderly and remote mountainous areas and offshore islands. The ignored oral health care of the adolescent population in the currently government policies, leading students in devoid of oral health knowledge, oral health behavior deviation as well as the impact of future development. Objective: The aims of this study were to 1) analyze the correlation of oral health-related quality of life (Oral Health Impact Profile) and oral health knowledge and behavior of students of a medical university in southern Taiwan. 2) investigate the differences of the oral health-related quality of life (Oral Health Impact Profile), differences of oral health knowledge and behavior between oral and non-oral related department and between different grade of students. Methods: A total 356 students of oral related (dental department grade 1,5,6 and oral hygiene department grade 4) and non-oral related departments (public department grade 1,4, social work department grade 1,4 and nursing department grade 1) were enrolled in this study. Data of socio-demographic variables, oral health-related quality of life, and oral health knowledge and behavior were obtained with a self-reported structured questionnaire. Result: Oral health knowledge was found higher in man(p=0.004), older age(p=0.002), and high grade (4-6) students(p=0.003). Students who major in oral health related department showed higher oral health knowledge than non-majors(p=<0.0001). And students who attend oral health related courses also showed significantly higher oral health knowledge than those not attend(p=<0.0001). Students that had a regular dental visit habit (p=0.002) and visited dentist in the past year showed significant difference from the others(p=0.001). But there was no scientifically difference in oral health knowledge between the students whose relatives do dental work and those receiving orthodontic treatment. Discuss: Oral health related courses avail students to get better oral health knowledge. It is recommended that enhancement of oral health education and oral health promote related course could improve the oral health knowledge for university students, and establish a healthy foundation for development.


Oral Health Knowledge OHIP-14


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