  • 學位論文

台灣市售茵蔯蒿生藥及其製劑之 HPLC 指紋圖譜分析及品質評價

HPLC Fingerprint Analysis and Quality Evaluation of Artemisia capillaris and Commercial Concentrated Formulations in Taiwan

指導教授 : 顏銘宏


茵蔯蒿(Artemisia capillaris Thunb.)是使用歷史悠久的傳統中藥材,近年來有越來越多的藥理學及相關研究其生物活性具有保肝利膽、心血管保護、抗菌、抗病毒及抗癌等等作用。過去研究指出,茵蔯蒿根據採收時期的不同,主要成分也不同。春季採收的幼苗藥材名為綿茵蔯,其主要成分為綠原酸(Chlorogenic acid);秋季採收的花蕾藥材名為花茵蔯,主要成分則為濱蒿內酯(Scoparone)。雖然濱蒿內酯的保肝利膽作用優於綠原酸,但目前臨床上仍多以綿茵蔯入藥[1]。 現今台灣市售的中藥材,多半由中國大陸栽種進口,有鑒於台灣中藥房販售的茵蔯蒿藥材,有「綿茵蔯」及「北茵蔯」兩大類,但是北茵蔯乃唇形科植物牛至 (Origanum vulgare L.)的乾燥帶花枝葉,這兩種藥材的基原、成分、藥理活性差異頗大,是否能代用急待釐清。本研究利用高效能液相層析(High-performance liquid chromatography; HPLC) 進行台灣市售10個綿茵蔯藥材中綠原酸及濱蒿內酯兩種指標成份之定量分析,並建立其指紋圖譜 (Fingerprint)及其科學參數,做為台灣市售綿茵蔯藥材基原的鑑定依據,並同時分析代用品北茵蔯藥材及青蒿藥材,以釐清代用品和正條品的不同。 實驗結果顯示,台灣市售10個綿茵蔯藥材中絕大多數均含有較大量的綠原酸,其綠原酸的含量為0.05-1.63 mg/g,差距極大,但無法偵測到含有濱蒿內酯。秋季採收帶花序之花茵蔯藥材則明顯含有濱蒿內酯,且並含少量綠原酸。 HPLC指紋圖譜分析結果顯示,由全台各地收購的台灣市售10個綿茵蔯藥材,有5支共有吸收峰,而且均含有主要活性成分綠原酸。N強峰數分別為6~10支不等,占總吸收峰積分面積之比例介於64.69 ~ 89.96 %之間,以台中市-1檢品 (89.96 %) 為最高,其次是台南市-1檢品(87.30 %) 和嘉義市檢品(87.23 %)。 代用品的HPLC圖譜中可看出,台灣市售青蒿藥材含有綠原酸及濱蒿內酯,佔總吸收峰積分面積之比例分別是1.55%和4.05%;台灣市售北茵蔯藥材含綠原酸,但未檢出濱蒿內酯,綠原酸佔總吸收峰積分面積比例為0.36%,屬於微量成分。 實驗結果顯示,台灣市售綿茵蔯藥材之指標成分綠原酸含量參差不齊,品質難以控制,且未檢出強力利膽作用的濱蒿內酯,而秋季採收帶花序之花茵蔯則藥材明顯含有濱蒿內酯,但濱蒿內酯毒性較高,若想憑此原因以秋季採收花茵陳藥材代替綿茵蔯藥材入藥,仍須審慎考慮安全性。此外,北茵蔯藥材和青蒿藥材其綠原酸含量均屬微量,且指紋圖譜相似度不高,用於替代綿茵蔯藥材,恐有誤用之嫌,這是中藥材在正本清源上一個值得深思的問題。


The whole herb named yin-chen-hao which originedd from Artemisia capillaris Thunb., is a main medicinal herb for treating all kind of syndromes of jaundice by the herb in combination with others. Besides, the effects of hepatic protection, choleretic, anti-inflammation, antibacteria, antiviral, and anticancer activities have been confirmed by many researchers. Previous study has demonstrated that there is different main bioactive component in spring and autumn with two growth time of A. capillaris. The main bioactive component in seedling of A. capillaris named mien-yin-chen is chlorogenic acid, which is lower in inflorescence with fruits of A. capillaries in fall. In contrast, the main bioactive component in inflorescence and fruits of A. capillaris named hau- yin-chen is scoparone. The mostly use in Taiwan is mien-yin-chen, which is collected in spring when young plant is 10 cm high. But choleretic and hepatic protection effect of chlorogenic acid compare poorly with scoparone. Most of commercial materials in Taiwan market are imported from China. There are two products of raw commercial materials in Taiwan market, one is mien-yin-chen and the other is bei-yin-chen. But bei-yin-chen is the herb origined from Origanum vulgare L. and the effect of this drug is totally different from yin-chen-hao. Therefore, our study was conducted using HPLC fingerprint to establish the HPLC fingerprint and science parameters of A. capillaris and measured the content of chlorogenic acid and scoparone of mien-yin-chen. The results could be identifications to distinguish certified products with alternatives. Our study showed that there was chlorogenic acid in all commercial mein-yin-chen, and the content of chlorogenic acid was between 0.05 to 1.63 mg/g. And there was no scoparone in ten samples of mein-yin-chen. The content of chlorogenic acid was huge variety. There was no scoparone found in mein-yin-chen. The content of scoparone of hau- yin-chen with inflorescence was 2.33 mg/g. Besides, there was just a little chlorogenic acid in hua-yin-chen. According to the analysis of HPLC fingerprint, 10 commercial products in Taiwan market have 5 common chromatography peaks, and were inclusive the bioactive component chlorogenic acid. On the other hand, the N strong peak number of 10 commercial products in Taiwan market were varies from 6 to 10, and the sum peak of PAR (peak area ratio) were varies from 64.69% to 89.96%. Among the 10 commercial products, the sample Taichung-1(89.96%) was the highest one, following by the sample from Tainan-1(87.30%) and Chiayi(87.23%). According to the analysis of HPLC fingerprint, there were chlorogenic acid and scoparone in qinghao, and the peak area ratio was 1.55% and 4.05%. There was only chlorogenic acid in bei-yin-chen and the peak area ratio was 0.36%. The content of chlorogenic acid of mien-yin-chen is variable quality. There was no scoparone in mien-yin-chen, in contrast, there was scoparone in hau- yin-chen with inflorescence. The effect of scoparone of hepatic protection and choleretic was better than chlorogenic acid. But the toxicity of scoparone was bigger than chlorogenic acid. Therefore, if we want to substitute hau- yin-chen with mien-yin-chen to medicine-use, the safty was must be concerned. Moreover, the alternatives, such as qing-hao and bei-yin-chen contained few or no bioactive component. And the HPLC fingerprint of qing-hao and bei-yin-chen were not similar with mien-yin-chen, it was not appropriate to replace two herbs by mien-yin-chen.


1. 國家藥點委員會: 中華人民中和國藥典(2015年版), 1 edn. 中國大陸: 中國醫藥科技出版社; 2016.
2. 鄭漢臣: 藥用植物學第三版. 台北: 文光圖書有限公司; 2004.
3. 行政院農業委員會: 台灣維管束植物簡誌第四卷.
4. 唐德才: 中藥學: 上海中醫藥大學出版社; 2003.
5. 蕭培根, 連文琰: 原色台灣藥用植物圖鑑(下). 臺北: 南天書局; 1998.
