  • 學位論文


The relations of social support,social participation,the quality of home care services and quality of life in elderly living alone and using home care services.

指導教授 : 王瑞霞


2018年底臺灣地區列冊獨居老人人口共有44,582人,約佔全部老年人口的1.3%。本研究目的為(1)探討使用居家服務獨居老人社會支持與生活品質之關係;(2)探討使用居家服務獨居老人社會參與度與生活品質之關係;(3)探討使用居家服務獨居老人之居家服務品質與生活品質之關係;(4)探討影響使用居家服務獨居老人生活品質之重要解釋因子。本研究採橫斷性、描述性相關性研究設計,於2017年1月到2017年12月20日止,以使用居家服務之獨居老人為研究對象,總共抽取152個樣本,並以結構式問卷作為調查及測量之工具。問卷內容包括個人特性、社會支持、社會參與、居家服務品質及生活品質等量表。研究資料以次數分配、百分比、獨立樣本T檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森績差相關分析及線性迴歸分析。研究結果發現使用居家服務之獨居老人社會支持、社會參與及居家服務品質與生活品質皆有顯著正相關。線性迴歸分析發現,若只納入社會支持及社會參與變項,其影響獨居老人生活品質之重要解釋因子為自覺健康狀況尚可、自覺健康狀況好、社會支持及社會參與。納入社會參與及居家服務品質變項,其影響獨居老人生活品質之重要解釋因子為自覺健康狀況尚可、自覺健康狀況好、社會參與與居家服務品質。 研究結果可提供長照相關人員參考,以促進獨居老人生活品質的計畫。


In 2018, Taiwan listed a total of 44,582 older people living alone,which is about 1.3% of all elderly population. The purpose of the research is to (1) explore the relationship between social support and quality of life in elderly people living alone and using home care services; (2) explore the relationship between social participation and quality of life in elderly people living alone and using home care services; (3) explore the relationship between the quality of home care services and quality of life in elderly people living alone and using home care services; and (4) explore the important explanatory factors of the quality of life in elderly people living alone and using home care services. This is a cross - sectional, descriptive correlational study data were collected from January to December 20, 2017 which was adopted sample of 152 people. A questionnaire,incluging personal characteristics, social support, social participation, quality of home care services and quality of life was used to collect data.Frequency distribution, percentage, independent samples T test, one-way ANOVA analysis of variance, Pearson correlation analysis and multiple linear regression were used analyzed data. The results indicated that social support, social participation and quality of home care services were significant positive correlated with quality of life of elderly people living alone and using home care services. Multiple linear regression indicated when incorporated social support and social participation variables,the perceived health status ordinary, perceived health status good,social support and social participation were important explanatory factors for the quality of life in elderly people. When incorporated social participation amd quality of home care services variables,the perceived health status ordinary, perceived health status good,social participation and quality of home care services were important explanatory factors for the quality of life in elderly people. The result of this study can improve the social support,social participation and the quality of home care services to improve the quality of life of elderly living alone people is efficacious and worthy of further investigation.


