  • 學位論文


Gender Politics of Caring:Sons as Caregivers to Aged and Cognitive Impaired Parents

指導教授 : 成令方


兒子家庭照顧者是真實存在的群體,但往往又不被看見也無視其照顧經驗。本研究採取女性主義方法論的立場及質性研究法,訪談9位照顧年老認知失能父母的兒子,以性別關係、做性別、霸權陽剛等理論,來瞭解其形成歷程、如何執行照顧工作、對照顧有什麼概念。 首先發現家庭照顧者的形成,與父系/父權/父居的台灣家庭中兒子、女兒、媳婦間的權力位階有關,牽涉到孝順的符號關係,特別是獨子或長子更容易受到這兩種性別權力與符號關係的影響,不僅成為照顧的決策者也承擔照顧的責任與義務。另外,越來越多的婦女投入職場,以及眾多男性因步入中老年而從職場退休,帶來了生產關係的改變。其中伴隨父系家庭而產生的子宮家庭,母親與其所生子女間建立的情感忠誠關係,隨著母親壽命的延長,也延長了子宮家庭的運作,形成了後工業化後現代社會中兒子照顧晚年生病失能母親的子宮家庭另一種樣貌。這四種權力、符號、生產、情感關係的性別結構交織作用下形成了兒子成為(父)母親的主要照顧者,形成不同於媳婦照顧公婆的照顧型態。 其次在實踐的內涵上,女性化的照顧工作不見得與陽剛氣質有所衝突,因為兒子的陽剛氣質並不同於霸權形式陽剛,顯示了-具有願意揭露情感特質或從事家務工作的行為的剛柔並濟特質;在從事照顧工作的過程,或與父母的互動過程,以做男人或做兒子的方式來達成照顧工作的任務,以及化解照顧中的問題,或藉由照顧過程再度鞏固其男性認同,繼續維持其對霸權陽剛的支持。 最後在照顧的認同上不管是家庭照顧或是廣泛的一般照顧概念上,即使在他們都經歷過照顧實踐,還是無法改變女性有照顧的天生特質或照顧還是女人的工作等性別化照顧概念,鼓勵男性參與照顧的想法並無法挑戰到照顧女性化的現象。


The sons as family caregivers have been a social reality but are usually invisible and neglected. This research was conducted by feminist methodology and qualitative analysis. The author interviewed nine sons who took care of their aged and cognitive impaired parents by themselves. The aims of this study are to investigate the formation process of son caregivers, their caring performance and caring related concepts by using theories of gender relationship, doing gender and hegemonic masculinity. First, we found the formation of son caregivers was associated with the power relation among sons, daughters and daughters-in-law in patrilineal/ patriarchy/ patrilocal families in Taiwan. Besides filial symbolic relation also plays a role in such process. Single or the eldest sons are most likely to be influenced by these two gender relationships which made them come to decisions for parents caring and undertake the responsibilities and duties as well. As more women participate in the paid jobs and many middle/old-aged men retired, the productive relation in the family did change. As mothers’ life expectancy prolonged, the paternal line in the uterine family and emotional fidelity relationships between mothers and children also prolonged, it suggests a new perspective of sons being caregivers to their aged and cognitive impaired mothers in post-modern society. The gender relationship including power, symbolic, production and emotional relationships closely interwoven with each other, results in different caring characteristics from those previously carried out by daughters or daughters-in-law. Second, though caregiving is stereotypically related to femininity in our culture, the caregiving experiences of the sons’ do not contradict with assumed masculinity. Sons' masculinity expression which is different from hegemonic ideal mixing both feminine and masculine characteristics, allows them to reveal their emotions and do house keeping chores. While caring their parents, sons achieved caring goals and resolved problems in masculine way via parent-child interaction to consolidate their male identity that continues to support the hegemonic ideal. Finally, sons does not change their gendered concept of caregiving that the caring responsibility for parents is exclusive for women, even sons participate in daily parents' caring. The core belief of caregiving as feminine work is unshakable even some men have made contribution to caregiving.


李亦園(1967) 《台灣的民族學田野工作》(臺大考古人類學系專刊第四種)。臺北:臺大考古人類學系。
呂寶靜、 陳景寧(2007)〈女性家庭照顧者的處境與福利建構〉,《女性、國家、照顧工作》,59-92,台北:女書。
