  • 學位論文


Effects of music on heart rate variability and emotional response during exercise

指導教授 : 朱奕華


研究背景:很多人在跑步時都有聆聽音樂的習慣,過去的研究中發現,音樂可以增加跑步時的表現及正向情緒。此外,有許多文獻指出,聆聽音樂對於心臟自主神經的調控有正向之影響。過去亦有研究探討心臟自主神經調控與情緒反應之關係,當心臟自主神經調控能力好,情緒反應的調節也會比較好。另一方面,有文獻指出當運動強度越高時,容易產生負向的情緒反應,然而,運動時搭配聆聽音樂對於心臟自主神經調控及情緒反應之影響則鮮少被探討。 研究目的:本研究之目的為探討運動時搭配聆聽音樂對於心臟自主神經調控及情緒反應之影響。 研究方法:所有受試者需完成一次運動測試及兩種實驗情境,兩種情境分別為『聆聽音樂』下跑步及『不聆聽音樂』下跑步,以隨機的順序進行。而跑步的強度則設定在受試者心率儲備量的百分之七十。在跑步過程中利用感覺量表(Feeling Scale)及感覺覺醒量表(Felt Arousal Scale)評估受試者當下之情緒反應。在跑步前、後會測量心率變異度(Heart Rate Variability)以評估聆聽音樂對於心臟自主神經調控的影響。 研究結果:心率變異度(HRV)在有聽音樂及沒有聽音樂下皆有顯著下降,不過,HRV改變在兩種情境下之間並無顯著差異。感覺分數(FS)在聆聽音樂下跑步時情境,在3、6、12及15分鐘(p<0.05)時的感覺分數比較高於無聆聽音樂下跑步時情境。感覺覺醒分數(FAS)在聆聽音樂下跑步時情境,在9、12及15分鐘(p<0.05)時的感覺分數比較低於無聆聽音樂下跑步時情境。 結論:本研究結果顯示音樂可以使運動產生正向情緒反應,當在高強度運動時可減緩負面情緒反應,未來研究應選擇更有助於測量心率變異度及情緒反應方式。


音樂 心率變異度 情緒


Background:Many people listen to music while running. In previous studies, music has been shown to increase running performance and enhance positive emotions. Moreover, several studies indicated that listening to music could affect autonomic control. Previous research reported that there is an association between the autonomic control and emotional response, and that the better the autonomic control, the better the emotional response regulation. However, studies that investigated the effects of music on autonomic control and emotional response during exercise are scarce. Purpose:The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of music on autonomic control and emotional response during exercise. Methods: All of the participants completed one exercise test and two experimental conditions which included running with music and running without music in a randomly assigned order. In both experimental conditions, participants were running at an intensity of 70% heart rate reserve. Feeling Scale (FS) and Felt Arousal Scale (FAS) were used to evaluate emotional response during running. Heart rate variability (HRV) was measured before and after running to assess the effects of music on cardiac autonomic control. Results:HRV decreased significantly after both running with music and without music conditions. There was no significant difference between the two conditions in HRV changes. The FS scores of the running with music condition were significantly higher at 3 min, 6 min, 12 min, and 15 min (all p<0.05) as compared to the running without music condition. The FAS scores of the running with music condition were significantly lower at 9 min, 12 min, and 15 min (both p<0.05) as compared to the running without music condition.


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