  • 學位論文


Differential Effect of 30 V.S 60-second Dynamic Muscle Stretching combined Warm-up on Explosiveness of Lower Limbs and Agility Performance in Adults.

指導教授 : 郭藍遠


目的: 運動前的伸展主要目的是預防運動傷害及提升運動表現(爆發力及敏捷度等),但目前對於動態的伸展所產生的效應在文獻回顧發現,多數研究並沒有對動態伸展做出定義及動態伸展的動作及持續的時間沒有統一的模式,因此本研究針對運動前分別在持續時間30秒與60秒動態伸展並結合暖身運動,實際比較動態伸展時間長短結合暖身,是否能改善或增加下肢的爆發力及敏捷度。 方法:招募30位自願參與的成年男性與女性(20-40歲),以抽籤方式分為兩組,動態伸展30秒與暖身運動組或動態伸展60秒與暖身運動組,第一次實驗進行前為了讓受試者熟悉立定跳遠及T型敏捷度測試的標準動作,須練習一到三次的立定跳遠及T型敏捷度的方式,練習完後,就可以進行動態伸展30秒與暖身運動或動態伸展60秒與暖身運動,伸展後隨即進行立定跳遠及敏捷度的測驗。第二次及第三次,受試者至實驗室後休息三分鐘後,開始進行動態伸展30秒與暖身運動或動態伸展60秒與暖身運動,進行動態伸展與暖身運動後,隨即進行立定跳遠及敏捷度的測驗。 結果:動態伸展30秒組與60秒組爆發力在三次及平均值、最大值有顯著差異(p<0.05),而三次及平均值、最大值敏捷度有顯著差異(p<0.05),而兩組之間比較在爆發力上沒有顯著差異,在敏捷度上第一、二次沒有顯著交互效應,第三次有顯著差異,表示經過動態伸展30秒與60秒的介入後,敏捷度能有明顯的進步,兩組相比較動態伸展30秒較能增加及改善敏捷度的表現。 結論:本研究發現經由動態伸展30秒與60秒的介入後都能增加爆發力及敏捷度表現,但在爆發力上動態伸展30秒與60秒兩組之間比較在爆發力的改善情況上沒有差異,在敏捷度上動態伸展30秒與60秒在敏捷度的改善情況上有顯著差異,表示動態伸展30秒較能改善及增加敏捷度的表現。


動態伸展 暖身 爆發力 敏捷度


Objective : It has been proposed that pre-exercise dynamic stretching could prevent sports injuries and improve athletic performance. However, as of now, there are still no official lasting durations or operation methods set for the dynamic stretching. The purpose of this study was to compare the effect of 30 seconds versus 60 seconds of pre-exercise dynamic stretching combined with warm-up exercises on the power and the agility of the lower limbs. Methods: The subjects consisted of 30 healthy adults between the ages of 20-40 years old, who were randomly divided into two groups: a 30-second group and a 60-second group. The evaluation test included the standing broad jump to assess the power of lower limbs and the agility T test to assess the agility of lower limbs. They practiced these two items at least one time or up to three times for familiarization before they began to participate the experiment. All participants completed three exercise test sessions within the same day, and they took a 3 minute rest between each session. Every exercise test session included the pre-test, warm-up, dynamic stretching exercise, and the post-test. At first, all participants received the evaluation ( pre-test ), and went jogging for 10 minutes as a warm-up exercise after completing the pre-test. Then subjects in both groups performed 30-second or 60-second dynamic stretching exercises in their Quadriceps, Hamstring, hip flexors, Gluteals and calf muscles. After completing the dynamic stretching exercise, they received the evaluation again ( post-test ) immediately. Results: Except for second agility T test, both groups showed statistically significant differences ( p < 0.05 ) for all the scores ( included average value and maximum value )of the agility T test and the standing broad jump between the pre-test and post-test of 3 test sessions. When comparing the 30-second group with the 60-second group, there were no statistically significant differences for the scores of the standing broad jump. The only significant difference ( p < 0.05 ) observed between the two groups was that the 30-second group increased in the score of the agility T test more than the 60-second group in third test session. Conclusions: The results of this study suggest that both 30 seconds and 60 seconds of pre-exercise dynamic stretching combined with warm-up exercises are positive in improving the power and the agility of the lower limbs. When comparing the 30 seconds with the 60 seconds of pre-exercise dynamic stretching combined with warm-up exercises, the effect of 30 seconds of pre-exercise dynamic stretching combined with warm-up exercises is more effective in improving the agility of lower limbs.


Dynamic stretching Warm-up Explosiveness Agility


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