  • 學位論文


Study on the recognition and Demand of social pharmacy by community pharmacy

指導教授 : 詹道明


民眾的用藥文化關係著整體健康,面對醫藥分業制度推動,病患對藥事服務品質之提升充滿期待,社區藥局之藥事人員除必須充實自己專業知識之外,更應建立與消費者或病患之互動模式,因此有必要加強藥事人員之溝通技巧,以及對於社會藥學之素養,讓消費者不僅感受到藥事人員之專業服務外,更能在互動之中發揮藥事人員溝通專長,藥事人員讓消費者或病患有更有用藥保障。 社區健康照護係為實現人群在身體上、精神上和社會上處於完全康寧狀態,而採取的綜合性措施。藥師如以藥學專業為基礎,於健康照護之目標投入社會學習,即可發揮所長,增進執業的可近性,充分發展藥學照護功能。 藥事人員對於民眾之用藥文化與安全責無旁貸,藥事專業與民眾生活結合,由藥事人員走入民眾,從消費者角度觀察瞭解消費行為,培養藥事人員與病人或消費者互動的模式、經驗及技巧,才能將藥學專業發揮至極致,使藥物產品有效安全,落實社會藥學的真諦。 為強化藥事人員走入社會的能力,建立藥事人員與民眾溝通橋樑,實踐藥事人員對社會藥學的認知,本研究乃圖以社會藥學(social pharmacy)之方法,研究藥事人員與病患之互動模式,調查藥事人員對社會藥學之需求,俾安排相關訓練課程,提昇藥事人員對民眾溝通、服務之專業及技巧。以藥師之價值觀及社會觀為主軸,對藥師就專業之平行上下之溝通技術、知識經濟、資訊使用技術、權利義務關係、藥事健康照護、藥事服務建構以及開放式內容等課程之需求度、期待性、深度、份量以及訓練期程,進行藥事人員社會藥學訓練課程需求調查與分析,規劃課程科目內容,提供做為日後培育其他社區藥局藥事人員之參考。 本研究採問卷調查方式進行,依據社會學理論,在藥局經營之變項方面,設定為「經營型態(連鎖、非連鎖)」、「所在行政地區(縣市、鄉鎮市)」、「藥局員工數目」、「藥事人員人數」、「藥事人員性別」、「藥事人員年齡」、「藥局經營效率(平均每日調劑處方箋張數、平均每日到訪藥局人數)」;在社會藥學認知與需求方面,設定為「藥局經營管理」、「人際關係」、「知識經濟」、「資訊利用」、「提供民眾正確用藥教育之方法」、「社區用藥行為統計分析方法」、「藥物資訊說明技巧」、「醫療社會學」。問卷效度採專家效度評鑑,以郵寄方式發出問卷4000份,回收問卷754份,回收率18.85 %。 結果顯示,藥局以連鎖型態經營較佳,顯示年輕化及服務量高。連鎖藥局多集中於都會型都市(45.6%),藥局中具有藥事人員資格者,以ㄧ人居多(63.8%),30歲以上居多(90.5%)。藥局每月調劑處方箋以50(含)張以上居多(59.0%),每日到訪藥局之民眾以30(含)人以上居多(69.3%),顯示年輕化及服務量高。 就藥局之社會藥學之認知與需求分析,多數在統計學上無顯著性差異,顯示需求相當一致。但應特別注意女性及三十歲以下藥事人員之需求。 依據本研究分析結果,社區藥局對社會藥學需求甚殷。故建議社區藥局二年四十八小時之藥事人員繼續教育課程,除藥學專業科目外,應積極安排社會藥學訓練課程,並建議其課程名稱、內容、時數及講師資格條件,以因應現代藥局所需。


Expectation of community pharmacy from patients are, advance service quality of pharmaceutical services, enrich pharmaceutical personnel own professional knowledge, and establish the interaction model with patients or consumers. In response to patient’s expectation, strategy of community pharmacy are, strengthen the communication skills of pharmaceutical personnel, strengthen the capacity of social pharmacies, fully develop the function of pharmaceutical care, consumers are affected by professional service of pharmaceutical personnel through their interaction, promote the accessibility of service, and provide the patients or consumers more useful medication assurance. The objective of this study is using the methodology of social pharmacy to study on the interaction model between pharmaceutical personnel and patients or consumers, it also to survey on the recognition and demand of pharmaceutical personnel to social pharmacy, suggestion on the arrangement of related training courses of social pharmacy, and facilitate the professional services and communication skills to the public. It’s a questionnaire survey by mail, in accordance with sociology theory, using the value and social viewpoint of pharmacists to survey their professional recognition and demand of social pharmacy to design closed questionnaires. Through pharmacists communication skills, economic knowledge, information technology, relationship of obligation and right, pharmaceutical and health care, and establishment of the service of pharmaceutical care, to analyze the course of demand, expectation, profundity, content, and training duration. This study sent out 4000 questionnaires by mail, and retrieved 754 questionnaires. The response rate was 18.85%. The result show that, management styles of chain store pharmacy shows better performance which indicate the preference of high quantity of service and juvenilities, chain store Mainly( 45.6% ) centralized in the metropolitan cities. Having the qualification of pharmaceutical personal, 63.8%only one pharmaceutical personnel, and 90.5%above the age of 30. Mostly (59%) more than 50 dispensing prescription of the pharmacy every month, and mostly (69.3%) are more than 30 visitors to the pharmacy daily. There is no statistical significant difference most of the time, it indicates the recognition and demand are considerably consistent. According to the desperate demand of community pharmacy to the social pharmacy, in addition to the course of pharmaceutical profession, it must to actively arrange the training courses of social pharmacy in the 48 hours further (continuous) education for pharmaceutical personnel within two years in community pharmacy. The course titles, contents, duration and the qualification of lecturers are suggested base on this study to meet the need of the modern pharmacy.


4.Schaefer, et al. Journal of Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 9(4):141-148。
