  • 學位論文


Nurses' Work-related Fatigue and Related Factors

指導教授 : 劉怡


背景:國內醫療從業人員中以護理人員的疲勞指數最高,疲勞不僅會 造成工作表現不佳、缺勤、及醫療不良事件發生,更是導致護理人員 離職的主要原因之一。故探討與護理人員工作疲勞有關的主要因素, 更能有效提供改善策略。 目的:探討護理人員的工作疲勞及其相關影響因素的相關性研究。 方法:本研究採橫斷式的研究法,以結構式問卷進行一個月調查。於 一醫學中心及地區醫院之 11 個病房進行問卷發放。總共回收 276 份 有效問卷。運用 IBM SPSS 20 版進行資料處理與分析。 結果:護理人員的工作疲勞主要以急性疲勞為主,預測因子有工作超 時、體力負荷、工作中的挫折、工作疲勞復原及工作單位屬性。 結論:制定限制工作超時的措施,執行自我排班方式,使護理人員可 以有更多的自我休閒時間,促進工作疲勞的復原,提醒主管需適當分 配照護負荷,並對護理人員進行定期篩檢,提早察覺急性疲勞,留意 護理人員的工作挫折導因以改善工作環境。


Background: Fatigue not only is commonly seen in clinical patients but also prevails in healthy population. Fatigue can lead to poor performance,absenteeism, and medical adverse events. It is one of the main causes of nurses’ intention to leave. Therefore, to explore the main factors associated with the work-related fatigue among nurses would help the establishment of fatigue reduction strategies. Objective: To investigate work related fatigue and the related factors. Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted and a structured questionnaire survey was applied. The questionnaires were distributed to 11 wards in a district hospital and a medical center. A total of 276 valid questionnaires was obtained. IBM SPSS version 20 was used for data analysis. Results: The main work related fatigue was acute fatigue among nurses. Physical work load, fatigue recovery, work overtime, work frustrations and work unit were significant predictors of acute fatigue. Conclusion: Managers should implement strategies to limit overtime and performed self-scheduling method so that nurses can have more time for recovery. Based on different workload, manager reassign work to nurses/and regularly screen nurses’ work-related fatigue. Be aware of the sources of nurses’ work frustration and then make improvement on work environment.


Nurse Work-related fatigue Workload


王昭儀. (2006). 醫學中心護理人員之勞動條件對其工作壓力, 工作負
荷及疲勞影響之研究. 臺灣大學衛生政策與管理研究所學位論
文, 1-127.
行政院性別平等會(2015) ・2014 年醫事人員教育及從業環境・
