  • 學位論文


Gender Politics of Department of Chinese Literature in Taiwan, 1945-2014

指導教授 : 楊幸真
共同指導教授 : 王秀雲(Hsiu-Yun Wang)


本文探討政治背景、學科知識論述與性別角色交織形成的高教科系性別政治,不同於一般性別教育/勞動研究多以跨傳統性別領域,或在非傳統所屬性別領域為探討對象,本論文以中文系為對象,探討女性在女性化領域的學習與工作經驗,探尋該領域的性別政治及其歷史脈絡。 本文採用歷史研究法,主要分析材料為中文系記憶相關史料,包含紀念文集、散文、報章雜誌、校史以及校園出版之紀念刊物,並輔以訪談中文系女性教師的求學與教師經驗。 本文研究發現戰後政治背景影響中文系的學科知識及性別權力關係。學科特性亦是中文系性別政治的關鍵,職業對應性低的學科特性使得少數中文系男性學生容易脫穎而出傳承中華文化的任務有著性別化的分工,男性適合從事研究,保護中華文化,並生產強化執政者與道統關係的論述;女性則被視為國族美德價值的所在,將男性學者生產的論述,透過家庭教育、青少年國中小教育,延續中華文化。女性想要在中文系繼續深造,不符合性別期待,難進入核心位置,易往國中小教學或邊緣領域發展。。 解嚴後,高等教育擴張,出現強調教學/實用/職能取向的中文系,造成中文系教學與研究的階層分化。因此領域擴張,雖然使女性人數比例提高,但就等級、研究領域、校系、行政、工作內容各方面來說,女性多處於次等位階。


The objective of this thesis is to examine how the gender politics has been formed by political background, subject knowledge discourse, and gender roles in higher education. By using historical analysis, and interviews with female teachers, this study focuses on department of Chinese literature in Taiwan after world-war II. Due to anti-communism and gender division of labor, even in low vocation-oriented field male students are tend to considered as the culture protectors or researchers to preserve and inherit Chinese culture. Female students are not considered suitable for this mission. They have more responsibility to maintain the nation virtues than being a protector or researcher. Thus, it is harder for women to get into core position in department of Chinese literature . Due to the higher education expansion after abolition of the Martial Law, several practical and vocation-oriented departments of Chinese literature in Taiwan established. Hierarchy has been found as females still at minor positions than males.


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