  • 學位論文


The Impact of Videofluroscopy Swallowing Study on Medical Resource Utilization and Medical Outcomes among Deglutition Disordered Patients

指導教授 : 許弘毅




Deglutition disorder has been studied and found to influence the treatment of many degenerative diseases and serious medical problems such as stroke, pneumonia, and cancer. It is also a major cause of malnutrition which is recognized to be related to prolonging disease recovery, increasing in-hospital length of stay, and increased morbidity and mortality. We started enrolling patients with signs and symptoms of swallowing difficulties and arranged videofluroscopy swallowing study (VFSS) to evaluate the severity. Initially we found these patients having high incidence of silent aspiration (>70%) and most of them were clinically unveiled and untreated. We have adjusted treatments for these patients according to the finding of VFSS and successfully helped patients regained the ability of oral feeding. We further investigate how VFSS had helped on treating cerebrovascular accident (CVA) patients and collected 219 patients with VFSS done and randomly selected 219 CVA cases not having VFSS done with the similar age distribution to compare between groups how medical resource are used within 180 days. We found that CVA patients with VFSS done to guide their treatments and food texture adjustment had less admission frequency, shorter in-hospital stay, and significantly fewer medical expenses within 180 days. We concluded by having VFSS arranged for CVA patients can help in medical resource utilization and better outcome by reducing in-hospital length and re-admissions. To clarify how hospitalization influenced on medical resource usage, we found patients with VFSS done have better survival rate and more improvement of lung condition.


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