  • 學位論文


Effect of cold roller and foam roller in lower extremities on performance recovery after basketball training

指導教授 : 吳汶蘭


高強度且長時間密集的訓練,是增進及維持運動表現的方法,籃球選手常常在連續的日子裡進行訓練或比賽,肌肉因此產生的痠痛感在24-48小時後達到高峰,稱為延遲性肌肉痠痛,在此疲勞狀態下會降低運動表現並增加受傷的風險,因此,為了讓球員在下次訓練或比賽前能有完整且有效率的恢復,目前常用的恢復策略為冷凍療法及滾筒按摩,市面上亦發展出將冰鎮功能與筋膜放鬆技巧結合之冰鎮多功能性滾筒(以下簡稱冰鎮滾筒),而本研究目的是想探討籃球訓練後使用冰鎮滾筒與一般泡棉滾筒在恢復成效的差異。 本研究招募9位嘉義地區某大學女籃球員後以隨機、對抗平衡、交叉及組內設計以三種處理方法介入:冰鎮滾筒處理、泡棉滾筒處理及控制處理進行隨機重覆交叉試驗,於訓練前(0小時)及訓練後24、48與72小時後進行測驗,測試項目包含視知覺下肢痠痛分數、大腿腿圍及壓痛閾值、直膝抬腿測驗、籃球半場折返跑、下蹲跳及重覆至力竭測驗。實驗進行中維持每周一與三的球隊常規訓練,於第一次訓練後及其後24與48小時介入恢復措施,滾筒處理區域及順序為雙邊前後側小腿、前後側大腿及臀部區域,每個區域1分鐘,頻率為2秒一次來回滾動,滾筒使用後進行8分鐘的標準化靜態伸展;控制處理則直接執行標準化靜態伸展,伸展區域及順序為雙邊小腿肌群、腿後肌群、大腿肌群及臀部肌群,每個部位1分鐘。本研究使用重複量數二因子變異數分析比較介入措施與不同時間點、運動表現恢復情形、下肢疲勞度、大腿腿圍、主動直膝抬腿角度及壓痛閾值之差異。 研究結果顯示,除了視知覺下肢痠痛量表在冰鎮滾筒處理與控制處理相比有顯著下降外(冰鎮滾筒處理: 23.61±2.18; 控制處理: 33.06±2.61, P=0.003),其他部份均無明顯差異,但是各參數在時間效應上皆達到顯著差異(P = 0.000 ~ 0.003),顯示本研究之訓練已造成延遲性肌肉痠痛,但因訓練強度相對偏低造成恢復效果的不明顯,本研究建議連續性的訓練或賽後依使用者需求給予冰鎮滾筒介入,可促進其疲勞之恢復。


High-intensity and long-term intensive training is a way to promote and maintain athletic performance. Basketball players often train or play the match on a continuous day. The pain after training or match at 24-48 hours called “Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS)” would reduce the performance and increase the risk of injury. In order to achieve more efficient recovery before the next training or competition, the common recovery strategies are cryotherapy, roller massage or the cold roller which combined with the cryotherapy and fascia relaxation skills. Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to investigate the recovery effects between cold roller, foam roller, and traditional stretch techniques after basketball training. We approached 12 university female basketball players in Chiayi with randomized, counter-balanced cross-over and with-in subject experimental design and all were given 3 treatments: Cold roller (CR), Foam roller (FR) and Control (C). We took the examinations at 0, 24, 48 and 72 hours after training. The measurement included perceptions of leg soreness leg soreness, thigh girth and pressure pain threshold, active straight leg raise (ASLR), countermovement jump (CMJ), basketball half-court sprint and reps to failure test (RTFs). Routine basketball training was performed on Monday and Wednesday during the study period. The 3 interventions underwent immediately after 1st training, 24 and 48 hours after 1st training. The region we rolled with sequence are anterior with posterior of calf and thigh, accompanied with gluteal bilaterally. Duration for the each region is 1 minutes and cadence is 2 seconds up and down. 8-minute standardized static stretching was performed after rolling. In addition, the control group did standardized static stretching after training directly. The target region and sequence of stretching are bilateral calf, thigh, hamstring and gluteal muscles. Each side is 1 minute, too. 2-way repeated measure ANOVA was used to analyze the data with two within-subject factors: treatments and time in leg soreness, girth, pressure-pain threshold, ASLR angle, CMJ height, sprint time and numbers of RTFs. There were significant time effects in each variable and it indicated that the routine basketball training had induced DOMS. The results in the present study indicated that CR had significantly lower perceptions of leg soreness compared to C. However, there were no significantly treatment effects in another variables. Because of relatively lower training load might result in the non-significantly difference in treatment effect. The results suggested that appropriate cold roller after training might enhanced the recovery efficiency of DOMS.


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