  • 學位論文


A study on factors affecting the emotion regulation process and its results



本研究試圖探討影響情緒調節歷程與結果之因素,研究者希望從不同情境對個體的情緒經驗與情緒調節歷程出發,找出可能影響個體情緒能力的原因,亦嘗試發展一個具有信效度的情緒調節歷程評量表,而能夠適切評估個體不同的情緒能力。因此本研究的目的有二,目的之一為發展一包括十四個向度的他評式情緒調節歷程評量表(事件分類、自我情緒覺察、對他人情緒覺察、情緒表達、情緒事件、情緒類別、情緒強度、自我關聯度、自我反思度、自我專注度、事件完成度、情緒調節策略、情緒回復及收穫/結論),期望以此評量表評估個體的情緒能力。目的之二為了解不同性別、憂鬱程度、情緒事件以及情境,對於此評量表分數的影響。 > 本研究的程序分為團體施測、一對一個別實驗及評量表評分等三部份。團體施測為自陳式量表的填寫(貝氏憂鬱、焦慮量表等)。個別實驗採2X2X2X2(性別、憂鬱程度、情緒事件以及情境)四因子混和設計,共收案248位大學生(男113人,女135人)。依據團測貝氏憂鬱量表得分區分受試者的憂鬱程度,再根據性別及憂鬱程度,隨機分配至四種實驗情境之一(正向/負向情緒事件X人際情境/成就情境)。。根據個測受試者所描寫的情緒事件資料,由研究者及其他三位評分者(三位研究生)進行評量表的評分。 > 研究結果顯示,在信、效度方面,此評量表具有.8以上的評分者信度,僅『自我關連度』、『自我反思度』、『自我專注度』及『收穫/結論』等向度低於.8,有待加強。效標關聯效度結果,評量表的向度與情緒辨識表達障礙量表大多呈現負相關;與情緒表達特質量表大多呈現正相關;與貝氏憂鬱及焦慮量表大多呈現負相關,結果顯示評量表有可接受的效標關聯效度。因素分析的結果發現,此量表的概念大致能區分為『自我情緒經驗的察覺』、『針對他人情緒經驗的覺察』、『情緒經驗強度』與『情緒表達與回復』。 > 分析性別、憂鬱程度、情緒事件及情境對於的情緒調節歷程評量表之影響,結果發現不同性別、情緒事件及憂鬱程度對情緒調節歷程有顯著差異。性別在『自我情緒覺察』、『他人情緒覺察』、『情緒強度』、『自我關連度』及『自我反思度』上有顯著差異,女性顯著高於男性,但男性在『自我專注度』高於女性;『自我情緒覺察』、『正向情緒表達』與『正向情緒回復』在正向情緒下顯著高於負向情緒;而『負向情緒表達』、『情緒強度』、『負向情緒回復』則是負向情緒下顯著高於正向情緒。憂鬱組的『自我專注度』高於一般組。男性在成就情境對自我情緒狀態的覺察略高於人際情境;女性則反之。不管處於何種情境下,個體通常是在一般朋友的人面前使用情緒調節策略;個體面臨負向情緒時通常優先以行為式的情緒調節策略處理,但在正向情緒時,則優先以認知式的情緒調節策略處理。 > 結果發現性別、憂鬱程度、情緒事件及情境皆會影響情緒調節歷程,而本研究所發展之情緒調節歷程評量表能夠正確的評估個體的情緒能力。 >


This study is to investigate the emotion regulation process and the result of emotion regulation. Furthermore, to search out influential factors. Because the interesting in individual’s emotion experiences and emotion regulation process, so the researcher feels like to know that differential processions and regulation strategies were effected by some factors, and develop a good inter-grader reliabilities and validation "Emotion Regulation Process Rating Scale" to evaluate individual's emotional ability. Several subjects in this study as follows:First, develop the 14-item other-rating "Emotion Regulation Process Rating Scale"( events classification, emotion awareness for self, emotion awareness for other, emotion express, emotion valence, emotion category, emotion intensity, self-exploration, self-reflection, self-focus, completion of emotion event, emotion regulation strategies, emotion recovery and inspiration/conclusion).Second, to investigate the influence of gender, depression, emotion valence and situation on the rating scales. > The study was carried out in three stages, starting with group testing followed by one-to-one individual experiment and concluded with analysis on the reliability and validity of the proposed Emotion Regulation Process Rating Scale. In group testing, subjects were asked to fill out some self-rating scales, such as Beck Depression Inventory, Beck Anxiety Inventory, etc. Individual experiment adopted a 2x2x2x2 four-factor mixed design. A total of 248 subjects, including 113 males and 135 females, received tests in this study with 248 data collected. The subjects were divided into two groups based on their depression score and then randomly assigned to one of the following four experimental conditions: induction of positive or negative emotion and in the interpersonal or achievement situation. The author and three other students, three graduate students performed rating of the Emotion Regulation Process Rating Scale. > The results indicated the following. The inter-grader reliabilities of most items in the rating scale achieved .8 values, but the scale of self-exploration, self-reflection, self-focus and inspiration/conclusion below .8 value. It needs more study to clarify the concepts of Emotion Regulation Process Rating Scale items. The result of criterion-related validity indicated that the rating scale were negatively correlated significantly with the Twenty-Item Toronto Alexithymia Scale, and the rating scale were positively correlated significantly with the Emotion Expression Trait Scale , and the rating scale were negatively correlated significantly with Beck Depression Inventory and Beck Anxiety Inventory. Factor analysis on Emotion Regulation Process Rating Scale items indicated that the concepts of rating scales are emotion experience awareness for self, emotion experience awareness for others, emotion experience valence, emotion expression and recovery. > Analysis gender, depression, emotion valences and situations of effect on emotion regulation process, different gender, emotion valences and depression have significantly effect. The analysis on the effect of gender showed that the scores of emotion awareness for self, emotion awareness for others, emotion intensity, self-exploration and self-reflection in females are significantly higher than males, but the scores of emotion-focus in males re significantly higher than females. Positive emotion was significantly higher than negative emotion on the items of emotion awareness for self, positive emotion expression and positive emotion recovery,and then negative emotion was significantly higher than positive emotion on the items of negative emotion expression, emotion valence and negative emotion recovery .Individual with depression was significantly higher than non-depression on the items of self-focus. Males in the achievement situation were significantly higher than in the interpersonal situation on the items of emotion awareness for self, and females are contrary. Whether individuals in the interpersonal or achievement situation, they use emotion regulation strategies with general friends. People in negative emotion prefer using behavioral emotion regulation strategies, but in positive emotion prefer using cognitive emotion regulation strategies. > In summary, it founds that all of the gender, depression, emotion valence and situation affect emotion regulation process. This study develops an "Emotion Regulation Process Rating Scale" to evaluate individual's emotional ability.


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