  • 學位論文

以109Cd X光螢光分析法測定人體骨中鉛的濃度

Use 109Cd x-ray fluorescence to measure human bone lead

指導教授 : 莊弘毅


鉛對人體所造成的危害一直是公共衛生所重視的課題之一,由於鉛的化學特性擁有許多無可取代的優點,加上成本便宜的因素,目前仍被工業界所廣泛的應用。全世界對血鉛指標對於身體的危害研究已相當多,在鉛的法律規範漸漸完整的同時,對於鉛的研究也從急性慢慢轉變成慢性,因此骨鉛指標的重要性也顯現出來。 本研究因為是台灣第一部骨鉛儀器(K價層-X-射線螢光分析儀)的研究,所以特別針對實驗室的研究方法以及整個實驗流程多所著墨,並給將來對此領域有興趣的人能提供一些研究的方向。 在儀器測試方面,在實驗室中使用標準石膏棒所畫出的檢量線R2=0.998。在人體測試方面,研究中邀請了11位自願者來參與骨鉛測量,發現在實驗室中的人體測量與標準石膏棒的起始標準有差異,因此改用與背景值相差的方來求算出人體骨鉛的含量。最後11位所測得經過剔除異常值後所得的血鉛、膝蓋骨與小腿骨中點的鉛濃度分別為3.5(0.5) μg/dl、16.7(10.0) μg/g、21.8(10.0) μg/g與國外發表的骨鉛流行病學文獻所得到的數值相差不太大。 對於慢性內在的骨鉛傷害,必須多多的宣導給民眾了解,以避免忽略骨鉛所帶來的危害。


x光螢光分析儀 骨鉛


Health effects of lead always discussed concerning to public health, due to it’s owns many unusual chemical reaction and advantage are unique. In addition to its cost is less expensiveness﹐lead is still wildly used by various industrial at present time. From many research reports of lead used with blood lead index shows lead is mostly hazardous to body. While legal system to lead have been almost complete, the researches of lead form acute health affects shift to chronic health effects. Thus, the chronic bone lead index will gradually be attention. The first measure bone lead instrument (k-shell-x-ray fluorescence) was set-up in our laboratory in Taiwan. The object in this study is to build experiment procedure and methods. The human measurement would like to find what will influence result, and to provide further suggestions to give researcher a direction in this area in the future. In instrument measurement, the phantom calibration is well accepted (R2=0.998). There are eleven non-occupational expose volunteers. Uses of subtract background date from human test date get final measurements. The final data of blood lead, tibia lead and patella lead mean values are 3.5(SD=0.5) μg/dl、16.7(SD=10.0) μg/g、21.8(SD=10.0) μg/g prospectively, comparing with other study is similar.


Lead Bone lead X-ray fluorescence


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