  • 學位論文


The Study of Social Life Adjustments Scale (SLAS) Construction for Aboriginal Tribal Adolescent in Pingtung County

指導教授 : 鄭夙芬


本研究目的在建構原住民部落少年社會生活適應量表,為了編制適用於原住民部落中少年的社會生活適應量表,研究者根據量表建構之步驟,除了參考相關文獻理論,自行編制量表內容以外,並制定常模,使此份量表成為一完整的標準化測驗工具,希望能提供相關人員及研究者的使用與解釋。 首先,研究者採取理論性測量,發展原住民部落少年社會生活適應量表之層面,建立了休閒滿意度、同儕關係、家庭支持、生涯概念、身心健康、族群認同等六個層面。然後,從「屏東縣少年生活狀況調查」研究中,抽取本研究所需之樣本。因此,本研究從中抽取符合研究對象資格共788個研究樣本。所得的資料經統計分析後,主要的研究發現與結果如下: 一、研究對象個人基本資料:在788個研究對象中,男女約各佔一半。平均年齡為14.5歲,大都處於國中就學階段。目前居住情形,以與父母同住所佔的比例最高。研究樣本的族群大都是排灣族。 二、社會生活適應量表內容:經過二次試測並進行項目分析與因素分析。第二次施測,六個分量表之信度係數Cronbach’ α達0.9以上,除了休閒滿意度沒有進行因素分析以外,其他五個因素之總解釋變異量皆有達到0.6-0.7,甚至超過0.7,總共得到97個題目,形成了正式版本。另外,為了求得量表的穩定性,研究者再度抽取120人進行再測信度,透過皮爾森積差相關分析(Pearson Correlation),檢驗正式施測與再測之間的相關程度,六個層面的相關係數達到0.8~0.9(p<0.001)的高度相關。 三、社會生活適應量表分數分析:男生樣本在休閒滿意度、家庭支持、身心健康等生活適應層面較好;而女生在同儕關係、生涯概念、族群認同等生活適應層面較好。國中樣本在休閒滿意度、同儕關係、家庭支持、生涯概念、身心健康等層面較好;而高中、職在族群認同層面較好。國中的男生在休閒滿意度、身心健康等層面較好;而女生在同儕關係、生涯概念、族群認同等層面較好。高中、職的男生在休閒滿意度、家庭支持、生涯概念、身心健康等層面較好;而女生在同儕關係、族群認同等層面較好。 四、社會生活適應量表常模:本研究建構量表常模是以百分等級的方式,將原始分數加以轉換成百分等級的方式呈現,建立了性別與就學階段常模。 五、量表理論驗證—結構方程模式:根據四個判別指標NFI、NNFI、 SRMR、RMSEA,六個層面之NFI、NNFI都大於0.90, SRMR也都小於0.08。而休閒滿意度、家庭支持、族群認同,RMSEA的等級是落在「良好適配」,同儕關係、生涯概念、身心健康,是落在「算是不錯的適配」。整體而言,本研究量表在驗證適合度的考驗上,是達到中等以上的適配程度。


The purpose of this study is to construct the Social Life Adjustments Scale (SLAS) for Aboriginal Tribal Adolescent. Based on the steps of scale construction, the researcher first reviewed the relevant literature, then developed a standardized testing tool for formulating practice norm for further exploration. The results from this study provide suggestions for practitioners and scholars for further utilization and explanation. Based on the theoretical measurements, the researcher developed multiple dimensions of the social life adjustments scale for aboriginal tribal adolescent. There were six dimensions in the scale, “Leisure Satisfaction”, “Peer Relations”, “Family Support”, “Career Concept”, “Psychophysical Health”, and “Ethnic Identity”. Sampled from high schools in Pingtung County, there were 788 qualified samples for this study. After collecting all valid questionnaires, the data was analyzed by proper statistical procedures. The major findings and results are as following: 1.Demographic of the respondents: the male and female are about the same size in this study. The average age was 14.5 years old, and most of the respondents were in junior high schools. For their living situations, living with their parents was the biggest portion for those respondents. Most of the respondents were Paiwan Tribal. 2.The content of the Social Life Adjustments Scale: There were two pretests for this study, including Item Analysis and Factor Analysis. The Cronbach α of those six subscales were all above 0.9, and besides the “Leisure Satisfactions”, the other five subscales are factored into 97 questions for the formal scale. The test-retest reliabilities were also high, those six subscales all reached high correlation coefficients between 0.8 and 0.9 for both versions. 3.The analysis of the scores in the SLAS: The results of this study indicated that the respondents had different adjustments based on their demographic data, there were male vs. female and junior high vs. senior high. 4.The norm of the SLAS: This study constructs the norm of SLAS by the Percentile method, that is, the original scores were transformed in terms of percentages in order to establish the norms of gender and education. 5.Theoretical Confirmatory for A Scale—Structure Equation Model (SEM): There are four indicators to evaluate the goodness of fit of a scale, NFI, NNFI, SRMR, and RMSEA. In this study, most of the subscales are evaluated as “well fit” to the theoretical model. In sum, the SLAS was evaluated as medium well-fit by the theoretical examination of scales.


內政部統計處(2002)。少年人口數按性別、區域及年齡分--12~17 歲者。內政部


