  • 學位論文


The Relationships among Empowerment, Organizational Commitment, and Job Satisfaction and Their Predictive Factors in the Nurses

指導教授 : 王秀紅


本研究目的在探討護理人員賦權、組織承諾及工作滿足感之相關性,並找出影響護理人員賦權、組織採方承諾及工作滿足感之預測因素。本研究為橫斷式相關性之研究設計,便取樣,在南部兩家醫學中心、兩家區域醫院及兩家地區醫院收集資料,以基層護理人員為研究對象,有效樣本為446名。研究工具採結構式問卷,內容包括四部份:(1)個人基本資料表、(2)賦權量表、(3)組織承諾量表、(4)工作滿足感量表。 本研究結果發現:(1)研究對象賦權總平均得分3.33(SD=0.53),表示整體賦權感受偏高。(2)組織承諾總平均得分為3.33(SD=0.49),表示整體組織承諾偏高。(3)研究對象工作滿足感總平均得分為3.16(SD=0.50),表示整體滿足感偏高。(4)賦權與組織承諾達統計上顯著性正相關。(5)賦權與工作滿足感達統計上顯著性正相關。(6)組織承諾與工作滿足感達統計上顯著性正相關。(7)年齡、賦權的互動性、賦權的擁有權以及參與性等是組織承諾之有效預測因子,共可解釋總變異量為38.8%。(8)努力承諾、賦權的互動性、賦權的擁有權以及價值承諾等是工作滿足感之有效預測因子,共可解釋總變異量為59%。 根據研究結果建議護理行政主管應重視護理人員賦權之管理,以提昇護理人員賦權感受程度。行政主管並應營造組織氣氛,促進護理人員於護理專業上展現潛能,並拓展護理角色與功能,增進護理人員工作滿足感。此外,行政主管應激發護理人員展現對組織承諾予工作滿足感,以確保組織工作效能。


The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship among empowerment, organization commitment, and job satisfaction in the nurses, and to analyze the predictive factors of the nurses’ organizational commitment and job satisfaction. This is a cross-sectional and correlational study using a convenience sampling. Data were collected from two medical centers, two regional hospitals, and two local hospitals. The research subjects are nurses working in hospitals. Totally, 446 nurses participated in the study. The questionnaire included four parts: (1) the Demographic Inventory, (2) the Reciprocal Empowerment Scale, (3) the Organizational Commitment Scale, and (4) the Job Satisfaction Scale. The findings showed that: (1) the total score of the Reciprocal Empowerment Scale of the subjects is 113.8(SD=18.10) and the standardized score is 63, indicating that perception of the empowerment of the subjects is in a medium level; (2) the total score of the Organizational Commitment Scale of the subjects is 49.9(SD=7.94) and the standardized score is 67, indicating that the perception of organizational commitment of the subjects is in a medium level; (3) the total score of the Job Satisfaction Scale of the subjects is 66.59(SD=9.78) and the standardized score is 67, indicating that the perception of the satisfaction is in a medium level; (4) empowerment and organizational commitment had a positive correlation; (5) empowerment and job satisfaction had a positive correlation; (6) organizational commitment and job satisfaction had a positive correlation; (7) the reciprocity of empowerment, the ownership, the synergy of empowerment, and the seniority of the organization are effective predictors, which explain 38.8% of the total variance in organizational commitment; and (8) strive commitment, empowerment reciprocity, empowerment ownership, and value commitment are effective predictors, which explain 59% of the total variance in job satisfaction. According to the findings, we suggest the nurse administration chief should pay attention to the management of the nurse’s empowerment, as well as to improve the perception of the nurse’s empowerment. The administration chief should also build up the environment to promote the nurses showing their potential on nursing professional, developing the nursing characters and functions, and improving nurses’ job satisfaction. In addition, administration chief should promote the nurses to show their organizational commitment and job satisfaction to ensure the efficiency of the organizational performance.




