  • 學位論文


The Study in the Influences of Human Resource Management Activities on Organizational Commitment—Communication Models as Moderator Variable

指導教授 : 陳海鳴


本研究係探討金控公司人力資源管理活動對組織承諾的影響,並試圖達到下列目的:一、探討人力資源管理活動與組織承諾的影響關係。二、探討人力資源管理活動在不同的溝通模式的干擾效果影響下,改變員工組織承諾的情況。三、透過研究結果,提供企業界改善其人力資源管理活動時有關溝通模式的參考資料。 本研究選擇2004年台灣地區綜合績效前十四名之金控公司從業人員為主要研究對象,依立意抽樣方法發放出450份問卷,共得有效問卷386份,有效問卷回收率85.78%,並利用T檢定分析、單因子變異數分析與迴歸分析等統計方法進行資料分析。 本研究結果如下: 一、金控公司採用績效基準性薪資制度或保健基準性薪資制度皆對其員工的組織承諾有顯著影響。其中,金控公司採用保健基準性薪資制度對其員工組織承諾的影響高於採用績效基準性薪資制度。 二、金控公司以能力為標準的晉升或以年資為標準的晉升皆對其員工的組織承諾有顯著影響。其中,金控公司以能力為標準的晉升對其員工組織承諾的影響高於以年資為標準的晉升。 三、金控公司重視教育訓練程度高對其員工組織承諾的影響高於重視教育訓練程度低。 四、面對面溝通、電話式溝通、電子式溝通及書寫式溝通四種模式皆會改變薪資制度對組織承諾之影響。其中,面對面溝通所影響的程度最高,電話式溝通次之,電子式溝通第三,書寫式溝通則是最低。 五、面對面溝通、電話式溝通、電子式溝通及書寫式溝通四種模式皆會改變晉升對組織承諾之影響。其中,電話式溝通所影響的程度最高,電子式溝通次之,面對面溝通第三,書寫式溝通則是最低。 六、面對面溝通、電話式溝通、電子式溝通及書寫式溝通四種模式皆會改變教育訓練對組織承諾之影響。其中,電話式溝通所影響的程度最高,面對面溝通次之,電子式溝通第三,書寫式溝通則是最低。


This study is to aim at the influences of the financial holding companies’ human resource management activities on organizational commitment. It attempts to achieve the following goals: First, discussing the influences of human resource management activities to organizational commitment. Second, discussing the situation in which employees’ organizational commitment is altered by human resource management activities under the influence of different communication models. Third, providing some reference of communication models for the enterprises to improve their human resource activities according to the results of this study. This study selects the employees from the top 14 financial holding companies in terms of the synthetic performance in 2004 as an object of study. Handing out 450 questionnaires according to the purposive sampling method and 386 of them are valid. So the returned rate of valid questionnaires is 85.78%. It uses T-test analysis, single factor variant analysis (one-way ANOVA) and regression analysis to analyze the data. The findings as follows: 1.Whether the financial holding companies adopt the hygiene-based pay system or the performance-based system, two pay systems have significant influence on their employees’ organizational commitment. Among them, the financial holding companies adopting the hygiene-based pay system have more significant influence on their employees’ organizational commitment than those adopting the performance-based system. 2.Whether the financial holding companies use ability or seniority as the promotion criteria, two kinds of promotion have significant influence on their employees’ organizational commitment. Among them, the financial holding companies using ability as the promotion criteria have more significant influence than those using seniority as the promotion criteria. 3.Whether the financial holding companies lay emphasis on educational training or not has significant influence on their employees’ organizational commitment. Among them, the financial holding companies emphasizing highly on educational training have more significant influence on their employees’ organizational commitment than those emphasizing low on educational training. 4.Face-to face, telephonic, electronic and written communication models all alter the influence of pay system on organizational commitment. Among them, face-to-face communication alters the most, telephonic communication does the second, electronic communication does the third and written communication does the lowest. 5.Face-to face, telephonic, electronic and written communication models all alter the influence of promotion on organizational commitment. Among them, telephonic communication alters the most, electronic communication does the second, face-to-face communication does the third and written communication does the lowest. 6.Face-to face, telephonic, electronic and written communication models all alter the influence of educational training on organizational commitment. Among them, telephonic communication alters the most, face-to-face communication does the second, electronic communication does the third and written communication does the lowest.




