  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 黃同圳


台灣位居東亞與西太平洋的交通樞紐,原具發展國際航空轉運中心之優勢及機會,然種種政經情勢發展正侵蝕其競爭地位。航空貨物集散站為航空貨運供應鏈中不可或缺的一環,面對日漸惡劣之經營環境,學者曾建議多項競爭策略,惟就營運實務似以提昇員工工作態度較為可行。由於組織內溝通的品質,維繫著組織在面對環境變動時運作的成敗,研究亦證實溝通對員工工作態度有正向影響,故本研究係以某航空貨物集散站業者之514 位員工為研究對象,探討組織溝通與工作滿足、工作投入、組織承諾等員工工作態度變項間之影響。主要研究目的為: 一、 瞭解個案公司組織溝通的現況。 二、 瞭解個案公司組織溝通對工作滿足、工作投入、組織承諾的影響。 三、 瞭解個案公司員工工作滿足、工作投入對組織承諾的影響。 四、 瞭解個案公司員工工作投入、工作滿足對組織溝通對組織承諾的影響是否存在中介效果。 五、 瞭解個案公司員工在改善溝通上的建議方案為何,以為該公司管理決策之參考。 本研究採取問卷調查法,蒐集個案公司有效問卷共420 份。資料分析則採用SPSS 11.5版之相關分析與迴歸分析對各研究假設加以驗證,研究結果發現: 一、 個案公司在組織溝通、工作投入、工作滿足、組織承諾各構面之平均數均大於3,下行與平行溝通的表現優於上行、整體及非正式之溝通。 二、 就職務別,以督導、副課長級以上等職務較高之組別,在各變項之滿意感受程度普遍顯著高於職務較低之課員、班員級。就部門別,以企劃、營業、其他行政部門在各變項之感受程度均顯著高於現場作業部門。 三、 組織溝通各構面中僅有與直接主管的溝通、平行或斜行的溝通、整體組織的運作三構面與工作投入、工作滿足、組織承諾各構面均呈現顯著的正向關聯性。 四、 工作投入、工作滿足在組織溝通對組織承諾的影響存在中介效果。 五、 在各項改善溝通的建議方案中,建構公司共同願景目標做為共同努力目標並定期說明之方案無論以何種方式排序均最受個案公司員工之重視,其次為加強行政與現場作業部門人員之輪調案。


Taiwan originally got a very good opportunity to be an international air transportation hub for its key location between South East Asia and West Pacific, but the situation seems to be critical at present. Since an Air Cargo Terminal plays an essential role in the air cargo supply chain, many strategies had been proposed by scholars for the industry to fit in the situation and that to improve employees’ Work Attitude seems most practical for the industry management. Due to the quality of Organization Communication relating to the effectiveness of organization’s effort to fit in the environment and the positive impact on the employees’ Work Attitude, a case study of 514 employees in the Air Cargo Terminal in Taiwan is undertaken for research. The case study focuses on Organization Communication, Job Satisfaction, Job Involvement and Organization Commitment in the study of Air Cargo Terminal industry. The result of this research contains as follows: 1. The qualities of the B Company’s downward and horizontal communication are better then upward, integral and informal communication. 2. The higher rank employees’ satisfaction of Organization Communication and Work Attitude is better than the lower rank. The Business, Planning and Administration Departments are also better than the Operation Department on the subjected satisfaction. 3. Only Communication with Direct Superiors, Horizontal and Diagonal Communication and Operation of Integral Organization have positive correlation with Job Involvement, Job Satisfaction and Organization Commitment. 4. Job Involvement and Job Satisfaction have mediating effect between Organization Communication and Organization Commitment. 5. The most proposed recommendation of improving communication quality is to build up a prospect of the company.


