  • 學位論文


Assessment on Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus with Therapeutic Formulas

指導教授 : 陳素惠


研究目的:糖尿病是威脅國人健康的重大慢性疾病,而民國九十三年糖尿病更成為台灣地區十大死因的第四名。本次研究在於評估,第二型糖尿病患者的治療方式對於餐前血糖,糖化血色素,三酸甘油酯,膽固醇,高密度脂蛋白和低密度脂蛋白影響的臨床研究,希望能對糖尿病患者的病情控制,有更好的效果。 研究設計和方法:抽樣屏東醫院糖尿病科門診患者192人進行研究,分成3組,第一組為飲食,運動和藥物控制良好者,有51人。第二組為藥物控制良好,但是飲食和運動控制不良者,有51人。第三組為飲食、運動和藥物皆控制不良者,有90人。納入之受試者由糖尿病衛教師給予疾病,藥物,飲食與運動等相關衛教,之後並持續定期追蹤,每3個月檢測一次並記錄每個病人之餐前血糖值,糖化血色素值,三酸甘油酯值,膽固醇值,高密度脂蛋白值和低密度脂蛋白值。 研究結果:觀察治療2年後,我們從研究結果發現:遵守飲食、運動和藥物治療者,其餐前血糖( mg/dl)的數值為112.72 ± 14.87,糖化血色素(%)的數值為6.07 ± 0.61,三酸甘油酯(mg/dl)的數值為110.84 ± 32.55,膽固醇(mg/dl)的數值為169.37 ± 27.26,低密度脂蛋白(mg/dl) 的數值為107.25 ± 19.72,高密度脂蛋白(mg/dl)的數值為59.64 ± 12.60。遵守藥物治療,但未遵照飲食和運動治療者,其餐前血糖 (mg/dl)的數值為157.67 ± 31.55,糖化血色素(%)的數值為7.05 ± 0.73,三酸甘油酯(mg/dl)的數值為143.09 ± 37.92,膽固醇(mg/dl)的數值為193.62 ± 27.83,低密度脂蛋白(mg/dl)的數值為116.95 ± 22.20,高密度脂蛋白(mg/dl)的數值為47.60 ± 9.90。未遵照飲食,運動和藥物治療者,其餐前血糖(mg/dl)的數值為203.59 ± 45.17,糖化血色素(%)的數值為9.15 ± 2.06,三酸甘油酯(mg/dl)的數值為257.83 ± 44.92,膽固醇 (mg/dl)的數值為235.04 ± 65.96,低密度脂蛋白(mg/dl)的數值為130.10 ± 31.46,高密度脂蛋白(mg/dl)的數值為45.79 ± 10.90。糖尿病患-飲食、運動和藥物控制良好者比糖尿病患-藥物控制良好,但是飲食和運動控制不良者,有明顯的降低飯前血糖,糖化血色素,三酸甘油酯,膽固醇和低密度脂蛋白。糖尿病患-飲食、運動和藥物控制良好者比糖尿病患-藥物控制良好,但是飲食和運動控制不良者,有明顯的增加高密度脂蛋白。 結論:第二型糖尿病患者在治療模式下,對患者具有一定程度的幫助。糖尿病患者,遵守藥物治療比遵守飲食和運動治療在餐前血糖,糖化血色素,三酸甘油酯,膽固醇和低密度脂蛋白其治療效果較顯著。飲食和運動治療效果在於糖尿病患者之高密度脂蛋白的治療效果則優於藥物的治療效果。


Objective: To assess the efficacy of type 2 diabetes mellitus patients with different therapeutic formulas. Research design and methods: Total 192 patients were enrolled in this study and divided into 3 separate groups. Group 1. Patients with good control of diets, sports and drugs (51 participants). Group 2. Patients with good control of drugs, but poor control of diets and sports (51 participants). Group 3. Patients with poor control of diets, sports and drugs (90 participants). Laboratory profiles including AC sugar, HbA1c, serum cholesterol, serum triglyceride, serum LDL and serum HDL were collected 3 months as a routine from the beginning to the ending of this progress. Data was analysis statistical with SPSS 10. Results: In group 1. the patient with mean AC sugar( mg/dl):112.72 ± 14.87, HbA1c(%):6.07 ± 0.61, triglyceride(mg/dl):110.84 ± 32.55, total-cholesterol(mg/dl):169.37 ± 27.26, LDL(mg/dl):107.25 ± 19.72, HDL(mg/dl):59.64 ± 12.60. In group 2. the patient with mean AC sugar(mg/dl):157.67±31.55, HbA1c(%):7.05 ± 0.73, Triglyceride(mg/dl):143.09 ± 37.92, total-cholesterol(mg/dl):193.62 ± 27.83, LDL(mg/dl):116.95 ± 22.20, HDL(mg/dl):47.60 ± 9.90. In group 3. the patient with mean AC sugar(mg/dl):203.59 ± 45.17, HbA1c(%):9.15±2.06, Triglyceride(mg/dl):257.83 ± 44.92, total-cholesterol(mg/dl): 235.04 ± 65.96, LDL(mg/dl):130.10 ± 31.46, HDL(mg/dl):45.79 ± 10.90. From data, we found that group 1. decreased AC sugar, HbA1c, TG, total-cholesterol and LDL level than group 2. Group 1 increased the HDL level than group 2. Conclusions: There were several beneficial effects of therapeutic observed, the drugs were better in decreasing AC sugar, HbA1c, TG, cholesterol and LDL than diets and sports. The diets and sports were better in increasing HDL than drugs.


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