  • 學位論文


The Making of a Woman Columnist in Taiwan: The Case of Mrs.Wei-Wei (1964-1987)

指導教授 : 王秀雲


本論文探討台灣六0至八0年代性別文化史中的一個重要面向-女性專欄作家的歷史意義,主要以薇薇夫人(樂茞軍)為焦點。在其興起之前,薇薇夫人是個平凡但博覽群書的職業婦女,已婚、育有三子。自1964年為聯合報撰寫專欄以來,薇薇夫人從此持續生產其對婦女相關問題的看法,且其專欄廣受歡迎、屹立不搖近三十年,是談論婦女日常生活中關切之議題極具影響力的管道。她在專欄中不僅讚揚在家庭與職業間兼顧的婦女,是為才、德兼備的楷模,更強調對婦女而言家庭的重要性高於事業﹔且應向專家學習實際方法以為人妻母。七0年代初期,薇薇夫人在「今天」節目中接觸不少專家學者(如大眾心理學家吳靜吉),逐漸向專家知識靠攏。該電視節目是為婦女觀眾所製播的,以專家主講為特色。薇薇夫人逐漸開始將專家建議納入其寫作當中,其對婦女的指導似乎也就更具專業權威。簡言之,薇薇夫人引介專家學者的建議,推薦婦女依循新興知識的方法,以扮演好其妻母的家庭責任。薇薇夫人的寫作反映出性別關係的歷史複雜性。其書寫裡以不少中產階級名婦女兼顧家庭與工作為範例,不但肯定主婦的價值,強調家庭為婦女的場域-此種主流的性別規範,同時卻也可能鼓舞欲走入職場的女人,並為其辯護婦女能家庭、事業兩者兼顧之。儘管以當代觀點看來似乎顯得符合傳統的性別規範,但對當時而言可能也鼓勵婦女參與社會的策略。 為了脈絡化薇薇夫人專欄的興起,本文亦探討戰後初期的女作家。在薇薇夫人專欄出現之前的戰後台灣,固然瀰漫反共的氛圍,對婦女的動員以齊家、報國為訴求﹔然而由婦女來談家庭,對官方而言也是反共重要的一環。女作家群多數從中國移民而來,具優秀的中文寫作能力,相較於本土女文人因受日本教育而無法精於中文寫作,故能在既有的文化架構下,開始在公領域嶄露頭角。女作家之一華曼在1950年代末至1960年代初在一受歡迎的雜誌《中國婦女週刊》上所開設的華曼信箱,可謂婦女專欄的雛型;華曼亦可視為薇薇夫人的先驅。在書信往返之中,賢妻良母的規範有之,且賦予新意涵﹔婦女所應扮演的角色在逐漸工業化的社會中有所轉變。台灣婦女的處境已有所不同,過去女性經驗的傳承已不足以理解,在此脈絡下受基礎教育的婦女發現無法兼顧家庭與工作,轉而向外求助,成為婦女專欄的主要讀者。 七0年代左右經濟起飛時,不少婦女勞動力參與其中。職業婦女在家庭與工作之間的兩難變得更明顯,女性專欄作家恰恰接手處理。她們雖然建議婦女應關注家庭甚於事業,卻也強調婦女不應侷限在家庭裡。換言之,女人應同時工作且履行家務責任。女性專欄作家在台灣的現代化過程中逐漸興起,進而成為婦女日常生活方式的指導者卅領航員,同時,透過撰寫婦女所關心的議題,成為婦女行為規範的新興生產者,期待婦女儘可能遵循專家的知識準則。在傳遞男性專家知識的同時,亦持續維繫其地位。


This thesis examines the career of Madame Wei-Wei (Wei Wei Fu Ren or Yueh Caichun), the first woman writer in women's advice literature, with the aim of elucidating the cultural formation of gender ideology in Taiwan in the period between 1960s and 1980s. Before her rise to popularity, Yueh had been an ordinary but well-read working woman who was married with three children. After her first essay was published in 1964 in the supplements of the United Daily (Lien He Bao), one of the most widely distributed newspapers in Taiwan, Madame Wei-wei became a very prolific writer and her columns remained popular for three decades. The most influential channel through which she discussed women's daily concerns, the Madame Wei-Wei Column in the United Daily, praised women who managed to juggle home and work, but also argued that, for women, family should be more important than career. Beginning in the 1970s, Madame Wei-Wei's advice for women assumed a different and seemingly more professional authority when she began to incorporate experts' advise to her writings, and at the same time she began to host the Today Show (a TV talk show for women), which featured experts such as the popular psychologist Wu Jing-ji. In general, Madame Wei-wei recommended that women should take advice from experts in order to master their domestic responsibilities as mothers and wives. The career of Madame Wei-wei shows the complexities of the history of gender relations in Taiwan. On the one hand, by using the examples of several middle-class housewives who successfully worked part time, she appeared to reinforce the prevailing gender prescriptions that women's place was in the home. On the other hand, by showing that women could manage both home and work, she may have been speaking for those women who wanted to work outside the home. Although from a contemporary viewpoint, Madame Wei-wei seemed to conform to the conventional gender mores, her writings may have encouraged women who wanted to work. In order to contextualize this study’s examination of the rise of Madame Wei-Wei Column, this thesis provides a brief study of women writers in the period immediately after the war. During this period, the state acknowledged women's domestic roles and by extension their contribution to the nation. Women's literary writings on family matters were seen as an important part of the anti-Communism movement. Most of these writers were well-educated immigrants from China who possessed honed writing skills (literate women born in Taiwan were educated in Japanese and found it more difficult to master Chinese writing). As a result, these women began to emerge in the public sphere, and among them the woman writer Hua-Man, who ran the "Letters to Hua-Man" column in the popular women's magazine (Chinese Women Weekly) in late 1950s and early 1960s, was Madame Wei-wei's precursor. In letters to Hua-Man and Hua-Man's writings, the meanings of women's role in an increasingly industrialized society were contested; the condition of women was dramatically different from the previous generations, from whom they could no longer seek advice. In this context, educated women who found themselves caught between home and work became the main audience for advice literature. In the 1970s, as more and more women entered the labor market, working women's difficulties in negotiating the home and work became even more apparent. It was precisely these difficulties that women columnists were able to address. Although they suggested that women should pay more attention to the home than to a career, they nonetheless stated that women also should not be confined to the domestic sphere. In other words, women could work and fulfill their domestic responsibilities at the same time. Women columnists emerged during the process of Taiwan's modernization, and they became advisors for regarding all aspect of many women’s daily lives. At the same time, they established a new set of gender mores. Later on, professional experts with more cultural authority, particularly popular psychologists and counselors, also assumed the role of advisors for women.




