  • 學位論文


A Survey of New Hospital Patients on Their Selection of Medical Information Media and Care Providers

指導教授 : 毛莉雯


本研究以高雄縣某新設立區域教學醫院之就醫民眾為研究對象,調查並試圖了解一般門診、自費健檢、自費美容、慢性病患及重大傷病等不同類別就醫民眾資訊來源及影響就醫決策之因素,是否會因就醫民眾之社會人口學特性、就醫經驗、媒體接觸頻率不同而有差異;並進一步分析健保與自費民眾與各變相間之差異。 整體而言,就醫民眾對於選擇醫院之因素,依序為:醫療設備、環境、距離、醫師醫術。事先探查醫院項目依序為:醫療設備、醫師陣容及服務態度。事先探查醫師項目為:醫術、專長及態度。 就醫民眾對於新醫院廣告之印象,多集中於醫院整體形象廣告。此外,民眾平日參考及信賴之媒體以「親朋好友或專業人員」之口碑比例最高。管理者應重視服務品質、態度、儀器設備,以營造有利於口碑之行銷。 因此醫院內之管理者應更瞭解各種媒體的效益,並建立適合的評估工具,而非只著重於服務量的變化,以避免浪費有限之行銷資源。


The object of this research is the populace who take medical treatment of one new-instituted sectional teaching hospital in Kaohsiung County. Investigated and tried to understand the information resources and factors which affect the decisions of medical treatment taking among different medical classifications. Such as general outpatient service、health examination at own cost、beauty treatment at own cost、chronic disease and vital injury(disease).Will it be divergent from different social demography characteristics、medical treatment experiences、media contacting frequency? And furthermore, to analyse the divergences of variables between health insurance and own cost individuals. Wholly speaking, the factors by sequence of populace’s choices in hospitals are: medical equipments、medical environments、distances and doctors’ medical skill. The advance observation items of hospitals by sequence are: medical equipments、lists of doctors and service attitude. The advance observation items of doctors by sequence are: medical skills、professional specialties and attitude. The impressions of new hospital advertisements from populace, mostly focus on hospitals’ wholly image. Besides, in proportion, populace mostly consider and trust in “public praise of relations、friends and professionals” among all mediums. Managements should pay much attention to service quality、attitude and instrument, in order to built up the marketing beneficial for public praise. Therefore, management of hospitals shall even more understand benefits from all kinds of mediums, and built up suitable estimate tools. Not only focus on variation of service amounts, but also in order to avoid wasting limited marketing resources.


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2. 方世榮譯,Philp Kotler原著,行銷管理學第11版;台北:台灣東華,2003年。
3. 朱旨璋:透視媒體環境的變化,動腦雜誌,314期p26~33,2002年6月。
