  • 學位論文


The Shine of Fat Girls : Views of Body-Image and Embodied Experience of Senior High School Girls

指導教授 : 成令方


在現今台灣社會,似乎是以「瘦」為女體的主流價值,各種權力論述不斷地纏裹、形塑。這看似難以撼動的主流價值,似乎使身為胖胖體型的高中女學生成為弱勢族群,但是不是今日台灣的年輕女孩真的活在外表主義下,胖女孩在日常生活中經常面臨到衝突的身體經驗呢?對她們而言,真的有一個理想苗條的女體形象嗎?她們會以實際行動去追求嗎?還是她們其實有能動、擁有主體性的? 本研究採取質性研究的深度訪談。透過訪談自評體型為胖的高中女學生,她們的身體經驗,以及對自我體型觀感的敘說,意圖探討﹕一、胖女孩如何詮釋自己的體型。二、受訪者身體經驗中所產生的認同與性別建構的情形。三、論述權力運作與胖女孩身體經驗的關係。四、高中女孩的身體經驗又是在怎樣的社會脈略中呈現。 研究中發現,身體是社會文化建構的場域,胖女孩不斷地在日常生活與社會網絡互動,形塑身體認同與性別的實踐,是一不斷流動的過程。胖女孩藉由身體建立自我區辨,在不同情境中展現自己的正向能力與身體認同。在討論胖瘦議題時,胖女孩會使用健康論述來作為她們正面身體認同的一個支持機制,將健康視為一種身體管理,影響她們對自己體型的觀感。家人、同儕、學校是高中女生主要的社會網絡。在同儕中,胖瘦議題成為一種交往、獲得社會認同的媒介。而學校空間安排、政策執行將女體放置在公共凝視之下,高度的身體展示增加了同儕比較的情境、規訓的機會。台灣目前身體教育的貧乏、加上推行度量化身體的體適能政策,將可能造成窄化胖女孩對自己身體的了解和想像。 透過本研究,期待提升家長、學校對於青少女身體及性別教育的重視,增加高中女生發聲的空間,也讓一般大眾及教育工作者更了解她們真實的身體經驗與觀感,並透過胖女孩與瘦身文化互動的經驗,能幫助高中女生擁有正面的身體意象,以及身體自主權的可能。不再歸罪或將身體議題只視為是個人的健康管理。


自我認同 青少女 身體經驗 性別


At the Taiwanese society of present, seem to with〝Thin type of figure〞for woman's body of essential be worth. This see hard move of the main current is worth, making the senior high school fat girls become the minority ethnicity apparently. Does the fat girl own a lot of negative body experiences whether the young girl of Taiwan of today really live in under the appearance doctrine? To them, really have an ideal woman the figure elephant? And change into the actual action? Can they only be passively discussed to hold the lane, and have no subjectivity? This study adopts the in-depth interview of qualitative research method.The research objects are(1) Study in public and private senior high school girl in Taiwan.(2) Their commentary has the fat type of figure by themselves.The purposes of this study are (1) to understand how the fat girl construct the meaning of of the description ego and body-images.(2) to explore the interviewee's body experience in produce of body-identity and sexuality.(3) to analyze health discourses and the power operation in the social context today(4)to understand how the social structure(/ relationship/ peers)influenced the body consciousness of the senior high school girls. Study to find the fat girl interacts with its social network at the daily life constantly. Girls’ embodied experiences contain gender implications.The body consciousness is a process of constructed continuously. The fat girl builds up the bodily demeanour, the display is own just toward the ability and the body-identity in different situation. While discussing weight lose subject, the fat girl will use a support mechanism that the health is discussed to be their body-identity, will health as a kind of control(/ manage)by deskilling of day-to-day life, and influence the their views of body-images. The family,peers,school are girls in senior high schoolses mainly social network.In the peers, the weight subject becomes a kind of association and acquires the medium of social identity. The school space arrangementand the policy performance places girl's body at gaze , the body of the height the demonstration increased the peers compare (/ discipline). Taiwan’s body-education lacks of the diverse curriculum design and systematic policy of body-education currently.Study expect to promote the parent,school's understanding, increases the space that girls gives out sound, also let the public and educator understand their true embodied experience . Make girls express their agency.


self-identity young women embodied experience gender


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