  • 學位論文


An Exploratory Study of the Postpartum Stress and its Related Factors

指導教授 : 洪志秀


本研究是以結構式問卷所做的橫斷式描述性相關性研究,研究目的為探討婦女居家坐月子期間之產後壓力與社會支持及健康狀態間的相關因素。以民國九十五年出生率前五名之高雄市產科機構生產後出院仍處於生產四十二天(同勞、健保之產假日數)內並同意參加本研究之婦女在坐月子期間返回自己與先生共同之居住處為研究對象 ,有效樣本208份。使用包括家庭關懷度指數( Family functioning: Adaptability,Partnership, Growth, Affection, and Resolve index, Family APGAR index )、中國人健康量表(Chinese Health Questionnair,C.H.Q. ),以及產後壓力量表(Hung’s Postparpum Scale, Hung’s P.P.S.),其信度Cronbach’s α值分別為 .85、.84及 .95。 本研究使用統計分析方法包括描述性統計分析、獨立樣本t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森基差相關分析,以及線性複廻歸分析 。研究結果顯示,婦女居家坐月子期間以「夜裡睡眠中斷」之產後壓力得分最高,為產後壓力源的第一位;以「我遇困難時,可以從家人得到滿意幫助」之社會支持得分最高,獲得家人支持和朋友支持相當;以「睡眠不好」居健康狀態量表各得分之首,研究對象中產後健康狀態良好者較產後健康出現問題者多;影響婦女居家坐月子期間之 -Ⅱ– 產後壓力在個人屬性方面的相關因素,先生之教育程度高者其太太的產後壓力大於先生教育程度低者和坐月子期間出現身體不適症狀之婦女的產後壓力大於坐月子期間沒有出現身體不適症狀之婦女;社會支持和健康狀態為產後壓力的重要預測因子,解釋總變異量為27%,居家坐月子之婦女的社會支持越好、健康沒有問題其產後壓力越低,社會支持越差、健康狀態出現問題,其產後壓力就越高。 依據研究結果,建議健康照護提供者對婦女之產後壓力發生之預防的議題上多加以關注,尤其是社會支持的重要與健康狀態的評估;未來研究者可就產後壓力症狀之處理或護理措施提供前後情形的探究。


The research is a cross-sectional descriptive correlation design , the purpose of an exploratory study of is it house in confinement women’s postpartum stress and its related factors during have to probe into with structured questionnaires. Leave hospital and was still in 42 days of labor after organization of obstetrical department of Kaohsiung of the top five of birth rate with the 95th year of the Republic of China when she was come back the obstetrical department to acceptance the routine inspection and gentleman's common living in the place at time when in confinement of women who participates in this research are as the research object, 208 effective samples. Use including family shows loving care for one degree of indexes (Family Adaptability, Partnership, Growth, Affection, and Resolve index, APGAR index), Chinese Health Questionnair( C.H.Q.), and Hung ' s postpartum stress scale ( Hung ' s P.P.S.), one degree of Cronbach' s α value is respectively for its letter. 85, . 84 and. 95. This analytical implement in this study consisted of describtive statistics , independent t test , one way ANOVA, Pearson’s product- moment correlation coefficient, and multiple regression. Return and -Ⅲ- analyse. The results of study demonstrates the stress receive the highest rating with postpartum "sleep cut off at night" during woman at home in confinement, it is the primary importance of the stress source of the postpartum. " I satisfied help that get in family when I have any problem in life" whether social support questionnaire investigation receive the highest rating, the support that is obtained from family is similar to support that is obtained from friend. Receive the highest rating in form every question of the state amount of health with the project that " the sleep is not good" , healthy postpartum in the research object the in good condition one is relatively the persons who have some wrong of the postpartum healthily more. Influence the woman relevant factor in personal attribute of the stress of postpartum during the house in confinement, the stress is greater than its madam of the high one of education level of the gentleman's postpartum women whose stress presents the uncomfortable symptom when greater than the low one of gentleman's education level and in confinement's postpartum women without the uncomfortable symptom of appearance during in confinement. The society supports and the health state is important prediction factors of -Ⅲ- the stress of the postpartum, is it make a variation quantity 27% , in confinement society of woman at home support fine healthy to take place question postpartum low stress their always to explain, the society supports the more badly, the health state goes wrong, the stress is the higher its postpartum. According to the result of study, propose that there is many on topic of prevention that the stress takes place to pay close attention to looking after providers to women's postpartum in health, especially the assessment of the importance which the society supports and health state. The situation is probed into before and after the researcher can offer on the treatment of the stress symptom or nursing measure of the postpartum in the future.




