  • 學位論文

以實證醫學觀點探討質子幫浦抑制劑與抗組織胺-2 接受體拮抗劑預防重症病人壓力性潰瘍之臨床效果及經濟評估

Evidence-Based Approach the Clinical Effect and Pharmacoeconomic Evaluation of Proton Pump Inhibitors Comparing to Histamine-2 Receptor Antagonists in Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis in Critically Ill Patients

指導教授 : 黃耀斌


背景:壓力性潰瘍是加護病房病人常見的併發症,而病人因壓力性 潰瘍造成腸胃道出血後之死亡率也明顯增加。部分研究發現,針對 產生壓力性潰瘍之高危險群病人給予預防性藥物可以有效減少病人 潰瘍的產生。抗組織胺-2 接受體拮抗劑 (histamine-2 receptor antagonists, H2RAs)是之前整合分析研究(meta-analysis)中建議之首選藥物;新一代的抗潰瘍藥物-質子幫浦抑制劑(proton pump inhibitors,PPIs),其對於胃酸的抑制效果較H2RAs 更佳,但相關的臨床研究並未被包括在之前所發表的整合分析中。 研究目的:本研究除了要了解目前國內的壓力性潰瘍預防藥物使用 情形外,旨在利用實證醫學方式比較及分析H2RAs 與PPIs 對於預 防壓力性潰瘍之臨床效果及安全性,並進而利用整合分析結果進行 成本效益分析(cost-effectiveness analysis),以提供適當之醫療決策。 研究方法:本研究首先將執行壓力性潰瘍預防之藥物使用評估,接 著將利用實證醫學方式進行系統性文獻回顧及整合分析研究以探討 PPIs 與H2RAs 用於預防壓力性潰瘍之臨床效果及安全性,最後將進 行藥物經濟學評估以了解最具成本效益之藥物。 研究結果與討論:初步的評估結果顯示,有50.7%的高危險群病人 被處方壓力性潰瘍預防藥物,全部的病人都被選擇使用PPIs。針對 具有危險因子產生壓力性潰瘍的病人,與未給予預防性藥物相較, 投予預防性藥物可顯著減少上腸胃道出血的比例(13.9% vs 42.9%, p=0.0086)。評估PPIs 及H2RAs 預防壓力性潰瘍之效果,結果顯示 兩種藥品使用後在效果及安全性部分並沒有顯著差異。整合分析研 究共收錄7 個隨機對照試驗(共936 個病人),結果顯示PPIs 較 H2RAs 減少4%的危險產生壓力性潰瘍,但這樣的結果並未達到統 計學的差異但卻具有顯著的異質性;分析結果亦顯示兩者產生肺炎 及造成死亡的比例並沒有顯著的差異。藥物經濟學的評估顯示腸道 投予的PPIs 具有較佳的成本效果,但若病人無法口服時應選擇 H2RAs,並不建議注射劑型的PPIs 做為重症病人預防壓力性潰瘍的 首選藥物。 結論:我國健康保險目前採全民健康保險制度,相較於其他國家有 更沉重之經濟壓力,利用實證醫學的角度執行藥效及安全性分析及 經濟評估除了能提供臨床醫療人員最適當的藥物選擇更能提供決策 制定者最具經濟考量的選擇。


Objective: To evaluate the usage for stress-related upper gastrointestinal bleeding prophylaxis in a medical center in Taiwan and examine the efficacy and safety of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) in comparison with histamine-2 receptor antagonists (H2RAs) for stress-related upper gastrointestinal (UGI) bleeding prophylaxis among critical care patients. To perform a pharmacoeconomic evaluation to explore the most costeffectiveness agent for stress-related gastrointestinal bleeding prophylaxis. Methods: A retrospective drug usage evaluation, systematic review and meta-analysis of comparing histamine-2 receptors to proton pump inhibitors for stress ulcer prophylaxis in critically ill patients were performed. And then a decision tree analysis was performed to calculate the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio to explore the most cost-effectiveness agent for stress ulcer prophylaxis. Results and discussions: All patients with risk for stress ulcer evaluated were all prescribed PPIs and the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding was decreased when comparing to without prophylaxis. We identified 7 randomized controlled trials with a total of 936 patients for systematic review and meta-analysis. The overall pooled risk deference (95% confidence interval, p value; I2 statistics) of stress-related UGI bleeding comparing PPIs versus H2RAs was -0.04 (-0.09, 0.01, p=.08; I2=66%). In the sensitivity analysis, removing Levy study significantly reduced the heterogeneity (from I2=66% to 26%) and shifted the overall risk difference closer to the null (pooled risk difference –0.02, 95% CI –0.05 to 0.01, p=.19). There was no difference between PPIs and H2RAs therapy in the risk of pneumonia and ICU mortality with pooled risk differences of 0.00 (-0.04, 0.05, p=.86; I2=0%) and 0.02 (-0.04, 0.08, p=.50; I2=0%) respectively. In the pharmacoeconomic analysis, enteral PPIs were the most cost-effectiveness agents for stress ulcer prophylaxis. Conclusions: This study did not find strong evidence that PPIs were different from H2RAs in terms of stress-related UGI bleeding prophylaxis, pneumonia, and mortality among patients admitted to ICUs. Due to limited trial data, future well-designed and powerful randomized clinical trials are warranted. From the point of decision maker, enteral PPIs may be the best choice for prophylaxis.


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