  • 學位論文


The Truth in Closets: Conflicts and Violence in Lesbian Intimate

指導教授 : 林津如


長久以來,談到親密關係,一般社會聯想的圖像往往是異性戀、男女之間的交往關係;若提及家庭關係,則容易出現異性戀核心家庭圖像,在此家庭圖像中如牽涉暴力,施暴的男性、受暴且無助的女性形象隱然浮現;而在學術界,針對親密暴力的研究範圍,遍佈異性戀婚姻關係;即使台灣學術界對同志的研究亦為數不少,且國外已有充分證據證明女同志親密暴力發生率頗高,但在台灣,仍然只有少數學者關注此議題。 本研究企圖透過女同志親密關係的衝突與暴力敘說,探究女同志在關係中面臨親密暴力時,如何理解與詮釋,以及因此採取何種因應卅生存策略;本研究採用敘說探究方法,訪談四位生理女同志,從她們的角度出發,讓她們敘說自我的認同過程、親密關係歷史、衝突暴力的衝擊與影響,深入了解她們在這些過程當中如何理解與詮釋整件事情,如何決定要採用何種方式在這樣的關係當中生存。 研究發現如下: (一)年輕女同志們漸漸從刻板印象的「T=陽剛」、「婆=陰柔」跳脫,流動的自我認同交織彈性的陽剛與陰柔,形成複雜、多樣面貌的女同志身影。此外,即使跳脫了生理性別的權力位階,社經地位或個人特質仍然有可能在關係中形成權力不對等,但權力是動態的過程,並非掌握了權力關係,就代表發生衝突暴力時會成為施暴者。 (二)女同志在理解「何為暴力」的時候,皆明白政治正確的暴力型態有哪些,然而實際上每個人卻對「何為暴力」有著不同的解讀;在此狀況下,女同志們面臨衝突暴力情境時,會以不同的方式詮釋之,並進而採取不同的生存卅因應策略。 (三)女同志面臨衝突暴力情境時,傾向選擇非正式系統的支持,極少選擇向正式系統求助;對女同志而言,即使向正式求助,可能仍然會被忽視其嚴重性。另外,在公開場合發生衝突暴力的時候,路人的冷漠除了反映主流社會對暴力的自我保護心態,也有可能隱含著對同志關係的歧視與指責。 (四)女同志伴侶雖然不具備法律認可的婚姻束縛,但在發生衝突暴力時,從關係中出走反而並非易事,往往是較為困難與痛苦的抉擇;即使脫離關係,亦充滿了拉扯。 (五)女同志親密關係衝突暴力,隨著時間的推移、情境脈絡的不同,施暴卅受暴身分可能是難分難解,同一個人在不同的時間點,非常有可能產生身分的流轉,甚至可能同時二者兼具。


For long, when it comes to intimacy, the general society often associate it with the image of heterosexual relationships or contacts between men and women. When speaking of family relationships, the pictures often will be of heterosexual nuclear family. If it involved violence, then we can easily imagine the outraging male and the battered helpless female. In the academia, researches of the intimacy violence were mostly about heterosexual marriages. Although there were many homosexual researches in Taiwan's academia, and it was already proven abroad with evidences showing that intimacy violence between lesbians has a high incidence, still only a few scholars concern about this issue. This study attempts to explore lesbians' reaction to intimacy violences, how they understand and interpret it, how they cope with it, and what surviving strategies do they use. This study used a narrative inquiry method, by interviewing four physiological lesbians, let them describe their self-recognition process, their intimacy history, and how the conflicts and violences influences them or have impacts on them. To go from their point of view, deep into how they understand and interpret the incident, and what ways they use to survive in the relationship. The research results shows: 1. The stereotype of butch and femme has began to disappear between young lesbians. More flexible identities of masculinity and femininity had formed a new perplex and diversed figure of the lesbians. In addition, although the power ranks of physiological gender has been transcended, socioeconomic status or personal characters may still cause effects and form an relationship with unbalanced power. But the power in the relationship is a dynamic process, the one who had the power does not indicate she will be the violating one when conflicts and violence happens. 2. Most lesbians know the types of violence correctly, but each one had different interpretations and understandings of "What is violence". Therefore, when facing conflicts and violence situations, they interpret differently, and take different survival / coping strategies in response. 3. When facing conflicts and violences situation, lesbians mostly will tend to turn to informal system for help and support, rarely will they choose to recourse to a formal system. They think the official helping system might not take them seriously, and might ignore the severity. In addtion, when the violence happens in public, the indifferent of passerby may reflect the self-protecting attitude that the mainstream society has toward violence, and may also has implicit discrimination and accusation toward homosexual relationships. 4. Even though lesbian couples do not have legally approved marriage bondage, when conflicts and violences happened, it is still not an easy task but a difficult and painful choice to walk out from the relationship. It will still be in a tangle even if the relationship has come off. 5. In lesbians' intimacy violence, as time passes and as in different situations, the violate (sadism) / batterd (masochism) identity may be hard to mark off, the identities are very likely to transfer from one to another at different point of time, perhaps one can even have both identities at the same time.


