  • 學位論文


The Help Seeking Behaviors of Female IPV Victims

指導教授 : 黃蘭媖


關於家庭暴力被害者的求助行為多著重於非正式支持系統的質性訪談描述,求助正式支持系統的研究也多限於民事保護令的討論。惟家庭暴力案件量逐年增加,欲對家庭暴力案件有更全面的瞭解需蒐集較大量的樣本,欲分析不同求助行為的相關聯因素則需比較不同來源的樣本與追蹤後續求助行為。本研究將對象限定為求助正式支持系統的親密關係暴力女性被害人,以法入家門與否、選擇民事或刑事求助之不同區分為不同程度求助行為,分別為醫療通報、警政通報、獲得保護令、提起告訴(或經移送),並以人口特徵、案件特徵、被害人需求之分類變項確認與不同求助行為間的相關性,進而追蹤樣本於次年的再通報記錄,以瞭解兩次通報特性的異同和不同求助行為與再次求助的關聯性。 研究者蒐集了桃園縣2008年親密關係暴力共1770筆,其中醫療通報佔32.4%,警政通報佔33.9.%,獲得保護令佔24.5%,提起告訴(或經移送)的案件佔9.2%。卡方檢定顯示不同求助行為與被害人族群、案件特性、被害人需求有關聯性。邏輯斯迴歸分析發現被害人國籍、教育程度、案件特性、被害人需求會影響被害人選擇警政或衛政通報。另一方面,相對人職業、案件特性、被害人需求也會影響警政通報的被害人是否有後續積極求助行為,即聲請保護令或提起告訴等。而被害人年齡、職業、案件特性、被害人需求和不同程度求助行為則會影響次年再次求助的可能性。在兩次通報案件特性之比較,發現約5成被害人在次一求助改變了求助單位,次一暴力嚴重性些微降低但被害人受傷比例整體增加,兩次通報時間差約為半年至一年。 依照研究發現,強調正式支持系統除了提供實質上的服務(聲請保護令、驗傷等),被害人情緒上的安撫與治療也不可忽視,尤其隨著求助次數的增加,求助內容變的多元,實務上暴力防治資源的分配與利用更顯重要。另外,較嚴重的暴力案件與積極的求助行為確實有高度相關,顯示不同求助單位面對受暴者求助時,應提高其處理暴力的危機敏感度並充實全面性的服務。最後,就暴力發生原因與防治之討論,發現家庭系統中的相處問題佔暴力發生原因的多數,但積極求助仍未能解決暴力,使得暴力案件重複進入通報單位,可能造成防治資源的浪費,因此提出正式支持系統強行介入之外的其他可能性,因為親密伴侶缺乏良好溝通產生衝突情境所引發的暴力事件,可考慮婚姻諮商或調解協商,以期望能解決問題而非壓抑暴力。


Most studies regarding help seeking behaviors in IPV (intimate partner violence) cases discuss in the field of informal support system. Those studies deal with help seeking behaviors in formal support system are limited in the petition of civil protective orders. In order to capture more comprehensive characters in domestic violence, we need to magnify the size of sample. Moreover, in order to analyze and evaluate different help seeking behaviors, we need to compare different sources of samples with longitudinal data. This study focuses on female victims’ help seeking behaviors of intimate partner violence. We divide women’s help seeking behaviors according to law enforcement party’s involvement and women’s choice of follow-up civil or criminal procedure. By analyzing different levels of help seeking behaviors and victims’ characters, offenders’ characters, cases’ characters and needs for help, I expect to know correlations between different levels of help seeking behaviors and independent variables. We also want to discover distinctions between two violence reported cases from different report time. I collected totally 1770 samples from Taoyuan County in 2008. About 32.4% of female victims were reported by hospitals. Slightly more than hospital reports, 33.9% of the women reported to the police; only 24.5% received civil protective order. Fewer victims, 9.2%, have placed criminal charges to their offenders (or in rare cases, the offenders were prosecuted by authority of law enforcement). Chi-squares test shows that there is significant relation between different levels of help seeking behaviors and victims’ characters, offenders’ characters, cases’ characters and needs for help. Logistic regressions also find that offenders’ characters, cases’ characters and needs for help can have important influences in the possibility of repeat report in the following year (2009). In their second report of IPV cases, about half victims have changed their report institutions and the seriousness of injury increased. Most of the period between two reports is from six to twelve months. This study suggests that not only material supports but also emotional supports are important to female victims of IPV. The more time victims seek help, the more help they need. The distribution and use of the resources in preventing domestic violence is quite important. It also considers that since more serious injury and higher level of help seeking behaviors are highly connected, members of formal support system should enhance the penetration in every case. Finally, the finding shows that having problems getting alone with intimate partners is a major cause of IPV cases. Instead of official intervention, this study brings up other practicable solutions for reference, such as couple counseling and mediation. It seems that official interventions have only limited effectiveness. Alternatives such as counseling and mediation are needed for resolving the underneath problems of violence between intimate partners and preventing future conflicts.




許敏祝(2016)。新住民受暴婦女就業與賦能之探討 -以南部地區越南國籍配偶為例〔碩士論文,長榮大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0015-1108201615340800
