  • 學位論文


A Longitudinal Analysis of Family Violence Perpetrators Reported to Taoyuan County Police Bureau

指導教授 : 黃蘭媖


國內對於家庭暴力的縱貫性研究偏少,且多以親密關係暴力被害人為對象,對於家庭暴力事件恐缺少全面性的探討與研究。本研究以桃園縣政府警察局2008年「家庭暴力案件調查紀錄(通報)表」中受通報家庭暴力相對人為研究對象,描述並探討不同家暴類型相對人在2008~2011年受通報次數及再受通報類型之影響因素。研究假設用來預測家庭暴力事件再犯及再通報的因素也可以預測家庭暴力相對人逾一年再受通報的次數與類型。 資料經過整理後,在桃園縣2008 年首次由警政受理通報的相對人共1,154人,此即本研究的分析樣本。自變項分為四個面向「人口特徵」、「事件特性」、「司法回應」與「被害人需求類型」,分別以次序迴歸和多項式邏輯斯迴歸進行預測及比較分析。研究結果發現:人口特徵相關的因素較能用來預測家暴相對人發生親密關係暴力;被害人所陳述之發生原因可作為預防相對人重複施暴或擴增對象的介入重點;若家暴相對人於一年內再受通報,則逾一年再受通報機率相對較高,且前後通報皆為親密關係暴力者此現象更是明顯;被害人需求類型可以預測相對人的施暴類型。 本研究根據研究結果提出實務上與未來研究的建議。實務上的建議:強化通報系統資料的正確性,提升資料的實用性;通報表放入與相對人再犯或再受通報相關的選項;針對家庭暴力之慢性犯罪者應提供更多元的干預。未來研究的建議:一年內再受通報個案研究;男性受暴者的研究;非親密關係暴力的再犯與再受通報之研究。


Among the limited domestic longitudinal studies of family violence, most of them focus on intimate partner violence (IPV). A comprehensive investigation of domestic violence is yet lacking. Therefore, this research investigates the factors influencing family violence perpetrators' report frequency and offence types using longitudinal data in Taoyuan county police bureau from 2008 to 2011. The hypothesis is that the recidivism prediction factors can also predict the report frequency and violence types of family violence perpetrators. Data are collected from the family violence records reported to Taoyuan county police bureau from 2008 to 2011. Totally 1,154 perpetrators are selected who had at least one record in year 2008. The predict variables are grouped into four facets: population features, events characteristic, criminal justice response and victims’ requirements. Descriptive statistics, Chi-squared test, Nominal Regression and Ordinal Regression Analysis are applied. The main findings are as follows: Firstly, population features can predict only repeated IPV but not other domestic violence. Secondly, the occurence reasons stated by the victims are intervention points for preventing perpetrators’ recidivism and violence types amplification. If the perpetrators are re-reported within one year after the first time report, they are more likely to be reported again after 1 year, especially for those IPV only perpetrators. The victims’ requirement types can predict the perpetrators’ violence types. Base on the results, this study put forward some suggestions. Firstly, practical suggestions are: to improve the data accuracy of the report system and upgrade the data practicality; to include the options of the recidivism and re-report columns on the registration form; to provide diverse intervention measures for those “chronic offenders” of family violence. Suggestions for the future research are: to conduct case studies of the perpetrators reported again within one year after their first time report, to encourage more studies focused on the less touched subjects such as of male victims and repeated victims of non-intimate relationship domestic violence.


