  • 學位論文

C型肝炎抗體 (anti-HCV) 於台灣高度流行區引發陽性盛行率之變化探討

The changing prevalence of anti-HCV seropositivity in a hyperendemic area in Taiwan

指導教授 : 楊俊毓


由肝病篩檢意外發現高雄市梓官區的沿海村莊為C型肝炎高盛行區,其成人盛行率約為41.6%,遠高於台灣盛行率2~4%。本研究之目的是觀察高雄市梓官區民眾的C型肝炎盛行率。我們於此地區進行了五年的篩檢計畫,在篩檢過後,我們於2006年至2010年間收集了2,924位民眾的問卷及血液樣本。樣本的平均年齡為47.9歲,主要的群體為40歲~60歲民眾(1,948人);男性1,168人(40%),女性1,740人(60%)。問卷資料包含種族、性別、年齡、抽菸、喝酒、接觸風化場所、輸血史、手術史傳統治療、藥癮史、打針(藥局、無照診所、玻璃針筒、再消針頭)等影響因子,以JMP第九版進行統計分析,其中性別、年齡、抽菸、手術史、傳統治療等危險因子,數據顯示p < 0.05有顯著相關。整體分析台灣地區梓官區的C型肝炎盛行率為2006年34.94%、2007年31.79%、2008年38.30%、2009年24.67%、2010年22.16%。 結論為本研究顯示了南台灣地區的成人C型肝炎盛行率的流行病學現況。


C型肝炎 盛行率


Background/Aim: The maritime part of Tzukuan Township is a documented HCV hyperendemic countryside in Taiwan with an extremely high prevalence rate of 41.6% among adults. The study aimed to assess the secular trend of HCV epidemics in this area. Methods: A consecutive 5-year of screening program has been launched in this hyperendemic area. The prevalence of anti-HCV seropositivity was evaluated in an annual manner. The potential risks of transmission were also assessed. The statistical tests were two-tailed and p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. All procedures were performed using JMP version 9. Results: There were 312, 626, 282, 766, and 933 residents participated this screening program in 2008 to 2010 respectively. There was a significant decreasing trend of prevalence, ranging from 34.94% (109/312) in 2006, 31.79% (199/626) in 2007, 38.3% (108/282) in 2008, 24.67% (189/766) in 2009, and 22.16% (207/933) in 2010. Conclusion: In conclusion, our study shows the current status of epidemiological data about HCV infection among adults in southern Taiwan. There are different demographic features in HCV infection.


Hepatitis C prevalence


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