  • 學位論文

符號學方法在博物館導覽解說應用之探究- 以北投文物館為例

Reflection on the Application of Semiological Method to Museum Guide Interpretation- A Case Study of Taiwan Folk Arts Museum

指導教授 : 廖仁義


導覽解說之最高價值被認為是意義的啟發,為了使導覽解說能達成意義建構的效果,其內容必須以合乎邏輯的方式呈現,以「『有意義』的方式來揭示文化與自然歷史方面的訊息」(Larry & Ted, 1997)。針對不同知識類別,藝術、文化等博物館之導覽解說工作,理解時觀眾易受到背景差異的影響,故如何以有「意義」的方式來揭示文化類的訊息,是研究者有意深究的議題。 回顧相關文獻,相關專書在導覽解技法上已有廣泛的討論,但是對於如何進行有意義的導覽內容組織,卻相對的過於簡單。為此,研究者從對於意義關注的前提下,試圖尋求理論的借鏡。當今對於意義的探討,從過去一統性的大敘事,進入到語言學的轉向(linguistic turn),在這波研究趨勢中,最被廣泛應用的即是符號學。這項學問主要是探討符號本質及其使用的法則與範疇,其學門認為意義能否產生,端賴於符號的使用與符號間的相互關係。目前符號學也被引進至博物館學中,作為研究物質文化的工具,研究者也以此作為理論的起點。 本文以索緒爾所建立的符號學系統為依據,分方法論和認識論兩大重點,此外,研究者將羅蘭巴特依索緒爾的符號學理論所歸納出的四大分析方法,作為四種導覽架構,分別為:社會與個別之分析、概念與形式之分析、聯想與結構之分析、文化的對立結構分析。文中除了建立導覽架構,並以北投文物館之導覽內容作為實際應用的對象。像這樣的中小型博物館在數量上目前在台灣占有很高的比例的,故希望藉此作為一個代表性的探討,以提供實務發展上更多之可能性


The highest value of guided tours is generally considered to inspire listeners. In order to improve meanings can be reached, its content must be presented logically and " in a meaningful way to reveal message of cultural and natural history " (Larry & Ted, 1997). Owing to different backgrounds, the museum guide docents need to make an effort to point out the meanings to variety of audience. However, to review the related documents, the way to organize the content of interpretation of a tour is not as widely discussed as techniques of giving a tour. In this concern, I intend to borrow the concept from Semiology to look for a "meaningful" way to reveal the cultural message. Refer to the issue of meanings; Semiology has been one of the most widely used theories as a result of the last greatest shift goes to the linguistic turn. Semiolog is a study for the nature of symbols and its usage. Through the study, it is been found that the cognition of meanings depends on the use of symbols and the connection between symbols. Today, Semiology has also been introduced to museology as a research tool to material culture. In this thesis, I adopted the methodology and epistemology of Semiology which are established by Saussure as two key points in theory study. In addition to that, the four methods summed up by Roland Barthes who collected them from the theory of Saussure as the four leading structure. They are the binary opposition of social and individual, the binary opposition of concepts and forms, the binary opposition of association and structural, and the binary opposition of cultural and uncultured. These four had also been transferred into practice as a method to build up the text of museum tour guide interpretation. At last, Taiwan Folk Arts Museum is taken for the case study for practical application. Such a small-scale museum is currently becoming the largest number in Taiwan. Hoping this case study can be a representative to provide a practical possibility of the development of museum tour interpretation.


陳輝樺(1998)。展示教育人員如何影響觀眾參觀。博物館學季刊,12 (4),65-71。
曾小英(1996)。由博物館符號學看民族文物的詮釋。博物館學季刊,10 (2),57-64。
