  • 學位論文


The Poetic Space of Symbol and Decoration

指導教授 : 曲德益


本文是以個人的創作為中心,所建構而成的創作自述,是個人對學習繪畫過程中,創作的心得整理,是藉由作品來觀看自己的心理狀態以及與社會有何種連結,藉此幫助自己進行自我的整合,更清楚的瞭解自己,以做為自我與作品之間的檢視,希望能藉由對文字的思考,對作品與創作的歷程進行分析與歸納,能較清晰的釐清作品所要表達的意涵,以便更清楚的面對自我與創作。用「符號與裝飾的詩性空間」為創作的命題方向與研究,以下對本創作論述的扼要說明: 第一章緒論,在研究動機與目的、研究方法,說明刺激自己創作的動機,在創作時的內心狀態,創作手法與內容的關係。 第二章探討個人作品的發展脈絡、創作軌跡,以藝術史的發展和美學的論證做為歸納,在抽象繪畫與裝飾性的關係、自身經驗與符號的建立,分析相關的資料。正視身體為自身情慾載體的事實;身體的任何一部分都可以陽具化,成為可以滿足男性性慾的符號。 第三章對個人作品裡,薄塗的色彩、裝飾性質、壓縮的空間和遊戲性,做繪畫的探究,提出對自己創作有影響的藝術家做比較與說明。 第四章創作發展的可能性,就自己的創作現況、創作延伸方向的關係,做釐清與省思,藉由作品的呈現,尋求共同啟蒙的意圖。


符號 裝飾 詩性空間


This essay, an honest record of my learning process in the world of art, is also the manifesto on my understanding on art and design. Through this essay, I recognize, explore and discover the infinite connections between art works, humanity and society. It helps me understand myself more by re-examining the works I have done before. I hope my words can achieve the best possible interpretation of my works and me as an artist. A poetic space with signs and decoration, the essay will touch upon the following four chapters: Chapter I: Prelude on the creative motif, creative objective, creative means, and the connection between creative mentality, creative techniques and its contents. ChapterⅡ: Tracing the forming of personal style and the understanding on art history and aesthetic; the connection between abstract drawing, signs and decoration; analysis of relevant acquired material; the fact that physical being is the embodiment of sensuality; the metaphysical meaning of body parts. Chapter Ⅲ The interpretation on different aspects of personal works, including the colors employed in wash during painting, decoration, compressed space and the gaming mentality, and drawing itself; the comparison between these works with works of admired artists. Chapter Ⅳ The infinite potentiality of creativity; Reframe and reflect on my current art works and its future direction.


The Poetic Space Symbol Decoration


8.Gaston Bachelard 著 龔卓軍 王靜慧合譯 2003 空間詩學 張老師文化事業股份有限公司
1. Achilie bonit Olive 等著 陳國強等譯 1996 國際超前衛 遠流出版社
2. Anna Moszynska 著 黃麗娟譯 1999 抽象藝術 遠流出版社
3. Renato Poggioli 著 張心龍譯 1992 前衛藝術的理論 遠流出版社
4.Jeam-Luc Chalumeau 著 陳英德 張彌彌合譯 2002 西方當代藝術批評 藝術家出版社



