  • 學位論文

戰後臺灣公立美術館政策研究 :以藝術知識的分類與管理為核心課題

A Cultural Politics Study of Public Art Museums in Taiwan after Second World War :On the Classification and Management of Arts Knowledge

指導教授 : 廖仁義


摘 要 戰後臺灣三座公立美術館(國立臺灣美術館、臺北市立美術館、高雄市立美術館)在70年代的經濟建設中先後設立,它們的建構模式、組織架構與典藏範圍重疊性都相當高,發展迄今,它們依然維持同質性的營運模式。在這三座公立美術館的發展過程中,它們的同質性的議題也曾被關注與質疑,然而這些關注與質疑多數圍繞在法源的執行層面與藝術風格的討論,對於美術館承載社會文化的知識價值以及民主社會中公共服務的機制等探討,卻不在臺灣公立美術館的政策形塑與制訂的思考範圍。因此,本論文從歷史脈絡來理解西方美術館的本質與功能,並釐清戰後臺灣三座公立美術館的建構歷程與社會影響及其隱藏的意涵,藉此重建明確的藝術知識的價值思維,從而發展出長遠的政策,讓知識的價值超越政治的意識形態,呼應當代社會的普世價值。 本論文擬從傅柯知識考掘學的歷史觀點,檢討戰後臺灣公立美術館的政策形塑,並標示出藝術知識的動態特質。本論文以公共美術館應該具有的三個價值理念為主題,並以西方美術館典範來檢視戰後臺灣公立美術館政策,它們分別是: 1.「美術館做為藝術知識的載具」,突顯出美術館承載著動態且多元的觀點。 2.「典藏政策做為藝術知識的座標」,說明美術館中藝術品與社會的關係。 3.「知識管理做為美術館經營核心」,美術館藉由知識管理的整合機制獲得公共信任,而知識管理中的智慧資本與無形資產則與美術館的社會價值吻合。 公立美術館的藝術知識分類與管理,其最終目的在於實踐藝術創造的本質與文化資產保護,它是個轉動的輪軸,而公共資源賦予公立美術館進行專業的藝術知識分類,並提供公眾清晰的藝術知識座標。透過知識分類與知識管理的整合機制,才能讓公立美術館成為文化藝術保護與知識創新的基地。因此公立美術館政策應是國家整體政策緊密的一環。 關鍵字:公共美術館、藝術知識、知識考掘學、知識管理、公共信任。


Abstract The establishment of 3 public art museums (National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taipei Fine Arts Museum and Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts) began to take place respectively in the 1970’s economic development of postwar Taiwan. In spite of overlapping interests in the construction models, organizational structures and attributes of the museum collections, the 3 museums have maintained the same operation model from inception until today. Throughout the development, the issues of similarities between these museums came in the spotlight and raised public concern with discussions that were primarily focused on the practice of legal aspects and artistic styles. Somehow, the dissemination of social and cultural knowledge values and a mechanism for community-based service in a democratic society was never a concern in shaping and establishing the public art museum policy of Taiwan. Based upon historical studies on nature and functions of the western art museum, this research aims to clarify the establishing process, social influences and hidden meanings of 3 public art museums of postwar Taiwan. By re-establishing clearly defined value focused thinking for art knowledge, a long-term policy system can be developed to transcend the existing political ideologies and accurately reflect the universal values of today. This research acquires a historical perspective of Michel Foucault’s The Archaeology of Knowledge to examine the shaping of the public art museum policy of postwar Taiwan but also designates the dynamic quality in the art knowledge. The theme of this research focuses on 3 concepts of value that ought to be upheld by all public art museums, while the western art museum is also used as the basic criteria to examine the public art museum policy of postwar Taiwan: 1. “The art museum is defined as a vehicle for the dissemination of art knowledge,” which emphasizes the dynamic but diverse perspectives of the art museum. 2. “Collection policy serves as an art knowledge benchmark,” which explains the relationship between society and artworks of the public art museum. 3. “Knowledge management is the core operation of the art museum,” meaning the art museum gains public trust through an integrated mechanism, so that the invisible asset and intellectual capital of knowledge management can be incorporated into the social value of the art museum. The ultimate goal of art knowledge management and classification of the public art museum is to protect cultural property and fulfill the purpose of artistic creation. The public art museum is like an axle that is in a constant state of operation. On the other hand, it is also given the responsibility of professional art knowledge classification using public resources, while setting up a defined art knowledge benchmark for the general public. Through the integrated mechanism of knowledge classification and management, the public art museum serves as a basis for art and culture protection and knowledge innovation. Therefore, public art museum policy ought to play a critical role in reinforcing the entire policy system of the country. Keywords: Public Art Museum, Art knowledge, The Archaeology of Knowledge, knowledge Management, Public Trust.


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