  • 學位論文


Special Exhibition as the Interpretation Method of Art History in Art Museum:A Case Study of “ The Pioneers of Taiwanese Artists” in National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts.

指導教授 : 廖仁義


本研究以國立台灣美術館為對象,探討公立美術館如何利用美術館功能詮釋美術史。成立於1988年的國立台灣美術館是台灣目前唯一的國家級美術館,建館至今以「建立完整台灣美術發展體系及具風格特色之藝術品」為方針,蒐藏自日治時期以來各階段台灣美術家作品,透過館藏作品及相關學術調查進行多項台灣美術研究,並以展覽、出版等形式發表並介紹給國人知悉,成果豐碩。 2013年時逢國立台灣美術館成立二十五週年,館方推出「台灣美術家『刺客列傳』」系列展。本展取自《史記•刺客列傳》所記「刺客是儒家行中庸之道的異數,但在歷史中卻被傳頌」之意,展示出生於1931年至1980年的台灣美術家之藝術風貌及其在台灣美術發展的特殊性與影響力,欲提供、激發台灣美術研究的新思考方向。 本研究以「統整並分析國立台灣美術館建館至今的台灣美術史研究成果」、「分析美術館所策劃之美術史展覽中的詮釋概念與呈現方式」、「理解美術館如何透過展覽,傳遞其建構之台灣美術史知識」作為研究目的。 從「台灣美術史研究」及「台灣美術館研究」兩大脈絡探悉。美術史研究部份,首先歸納1945年迄今的台灣美術研究歷程,透過其詮釋觀點重新檢視台灣美術各期特色。美術館研究部份則側重美術館與美術史的關係,整合台灣公立美術館的台灣美術研究與展覽軌跡,舉例探討過往台灣美術史展覽的詮釋觀點。再藉由個案「刺客列傳二年級生(1931-1940)至五年級生(1951-1960)」等四個子題展,分析其策展理念、展示規劃及美術史詮釋。最後經由國立台灣美術館的典藏、研究與展示,理解該館歷年台灣美術研究成果及美術史詮釋觀點。 本研究希冀能透過個案分析發現美術館展覽蘊含的台灣美術史詮釋觀點,並記錄台灣美術館的台灣美術史研究軌跡。


In this research, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts (NTMoFA) is the main subject to discuss how to interpret art history through public art museums. In this research, we first want to summarize and analyze the researches about the art history of Taiwan since the NTMoFA was founded. The second part is to characterize the concept and the presentation of the art historical exhibitions by the art museum. Last but not the least, to understand how to spread and construct the knowledge of the art history of Taiwan through the exhibitions. In 2013, the NTMoFA had a series of exhibition, “The Pioneers of Taiwanese Artists”, in the 25th anniversary. Series of “The Pioneers of Taiwanese Artists”, came from Shiji-The Pioneers Biographies, presented the collection dated between 1931 and 1980 and showed the artistic style and the influences from the artists. Through this exhibition series, the museum suggests a new direction for the research of Taiwanese art. This was an exhibition different from all other series. Would there be a different but new direction for the museum to understand the art history of Taiwan? How would they look upon the interpretation of the art history from the past quarter century? There are two main concepts, the research of Taiwan art history, and, the research of Taiwan art museum, weaved through the entire paper. To understand the art history, we compared and contrasted the pathway of Taiwan art research since 1945 and then classified the features from different era. The art museum, on the other hand, we focused on the relationship between the museum and the history. Furthermore, “The Pioneers of Taiwanese Artists”, were analyzed for the concept of the entire series, the preparation of the exhibitions, and the annotation of the art history. We understand the point of view of the museum through the collections, researches, and exhibitions of the NTMoFA. We hope to understand the hidden concepts of the Taiwan art history in the exhibition and to record the trace of the art research by museums in Taiwan.


劉碧旭,2008。戰後台灣公立美術館政策研究 :以藝術知識的分類與管理為核心課題。台北:國立臺北藝術大學藝術行政與管理研究所碩士論文。


