  • 學位論文


The construct of war Monument re-use concept in Kinmen

指導教授 : 黃士娟


金門的近代發展與戰爭密不可分,從1949年開始所遭受到的戰爭威脅,使金門不但成為我國少數的戰地政務管制地區與舉世關注的冷戰前線,更產生了許多時代的悲痛記憶與痕跡。在經歷長久的戰火威脅與軍事管制後,金門展開一連串的觀光事業規劃,其中神祕的戰地風貌成為了重要的觀光資源。不論是金門國家公園或是金門縣政府,都積極的投入相關的工作之中,學術界也撰寫了許多關注戰爭文化資產的論文與研究報告。但在這些研究之中,缺少了對戰爭紀念性本質的探討,也造成了日後修復與再利用工作進行時,戰爭紀念性被抹除或忽視的情形。 本研究關注於戰爭對於不同社群的影響,並從中了解戰爭紀念性是由「國族」、「軍人」、「民眾」三者所建構而成;因此本論文以「多元角色」的觀點論述金門戰爭紀念物的價值,並考量現今戰爭紀念物保存及再利用工作上的困境,試圖建構具有紀念性內涵的工作方針;最後以金門重要的戰爭紀念物-花崗石醫院為案例進行再利用規劃之示範,用以說明再利用工作重點為何。 本研究結論有四: 1.金門戰爭紀念物具有多元角色觀點的價值。 2.再利用觀念偏差造成戰爭紀念物破壞。 3.政策制度造成戰爭紀念物再利用的困境。 4.金門戰爭紀念物再利用核心應為戰爭紀念性的傳承。 藉由本論對戰爭紀念物再利用的探討,期望能提昇我國對戰爭紀念物的重視,使金門的戰爭紀念物能夠永續保存,並成為宣達和平及撫慰傷痛的重要象徵。


The wars have a great influence on Kinmen’s modern development. Kinmen suffered from the war from 1949 and became one of the few Civil Affairs Military Governments in our country and the attention of the Cold War front-line which was engraved the grief memory of the time. Survived the war, Kinmen started serials of planning of tourism and made the battle zones into scenic spots. Not only the Kinmen National Park and local County Government devote into this industry, the scholars also contribute a lot studies about the war Monument. However, most of the essays are lack of war memory research; which leads to the elimination or negligence to the memorial history during future reuse. My research focuses influence of the war on various perspective, to reveal War Memory be constructed by “Nationalist”,” Military Personnel” and “Populace”. Therefore, the research values the “various perspective" as the standard, and considers the predicament which happen when perform preservation and reuse work, and try to build a monumental working principle. Finally, we take the Kinmen Granite Hospital --- an important War Monument --- as a case study for reuse planning model and the reasons of the reuse. The four conclusions of the research are as follows: 1. Kinmen’s War Monument has the value of multi-role perspective. 2. Deviation of the reuse concept of work damages the War Monument. 3. Rigid policy of reuse system would be the plight of War Monument. 4. The core of the Kinmen’s War Monument reuse should be for the war memory heritage. Through this research of War Monument reuse, one expects to enhance the importance of War Monument in our country, let the War Monument to be sustainable preservation, and to be an important symbol which propagate peace and comfort grief.


2007 a〈誰的戰爭歷史?:金門戰史館的國族歷史vs.民間社會的集體記憶
Tooker . Megan W Smith.A
Loechl. Suzanne K,. Batzli.Samuel A Enscore.Susan I.


