  • 學位論文


A Travel to Dreamland-On Ink-painting of Lai, Cheng- wei

指導教授 : 林章湖


中文摘要 在我作品中,可將創作視為在二度空間中,創造以個人心靈活動帶領的生活圖像聯想為主,所構築的虛構空間的過程。從第一筆到完成,我不斷的和畫面對話,甚至作品在被完成之後的每一次被觀賞的時刻,都是畫者用來審視內在自我與生活觀感的工具—畫,成為了我閱覽自己的鏡子。人們藉由生命經驗內省自身,從每場夢境帶回意識的殘影,我在畫中看見原存於心中的幻境的真實自我。筆墨逐步拾起日常生活划行過時光時遺漏的片段圖像,如夢囈般在紙上吐露每一段真實與幻想交纏的私密情感。 本論述將由一開始虛幻圖像的發想、個人筆墨美感在紙上的運作,到心中幻境在紙上被完成時,每個圖像背後的情感故事,依照創作過程的時間線性式的說明個人作品圖像與美感建構的過程,並藉由陳述每件作品中的創作背景,帶領讀者逐步遊覽每場日夢幻境。 首先在「緒論」中,試述以生活經驗為基底的圖像創作契機,隨著創作經驗累積而提出的對水墨媒材與個人創作理念之看法,與創作範圍,作為本論述之引言。 第壹章「構築幻見場域」,首先以此章說明形構作品畫境的中心理念與過程,將「鏡」在呈像時的表象及意涵,定義作品即為能呈現個人幻想的鏡面,藉以說明水墨畫境如何成為心中幻境的投射體,並分析此虛構空間與回憶、幻想、兩大畫面發想要素的連結性。 第貳章「關於心理層面」,分析個人憑藉過往回憶引發諸多幻想時,從創作開端的心理狀態對畫中幻境構成的催化作用,到創作完成時畫境對畫者及觀者因非現實的視覺經驗而產生的陌生感效應。 第参章「作品特色」,統整此論述中作品的共同特色,細述其創作內涵與方法。依據每節範圍共提出八件作品,並依動機及內容解釋作品內涵。 第肆章結論,為本論述提出之各創作理念作一總結,並提出關於個人水墨創作的感想與期許。


水墨 人物畫 鏡像 陌生化


summary In my works, the creation in the two dimension is the proces constructed the fictional space, which came from my personal interior imagination. From the first step to the last of the stroks, I kept dialogizing to my image, even when the moment that the painting is finished and is viewed. The painting is the tool that I used to introspect myself and my life, and it become the mirror of myself, while the viewer introspected themselves by their experience, from the dream to consciousness. I saw the real me in the world of fantasy beard inside of me. I used brushs and ink to capture the image of my life, the somniloquy on the paper confided the personal emotion of real and imagination. This elaboration will start from the fictional image, the process of painting of te personal esthetic sense on the paper, to the fairyland in heart appeared. Following the time line of the creation, the emotion story of each image explained the process of the development of personal image and the esthetic sense. And by stating the creation background in each work, it led the reader gradually to take a tour to the dream fairyland each day. First in " introduction", I try to express how to knead together the recollection and the imagination turning point, and the creation motive. Chapter ONE "The creation idea" talks about the imagery and meaning assumed the picture by the mirror, and the art work are defined to present the personal fantasy, to explain that the processing of my imagination fantasy transfering to ink painting, and analyse the connection of the memory and the imagination, and adduce the idea ”Reveries” to explain the relation of my fantasy and imagination space. Chapter TWO ”About psychology” analyse my memories which solicited lots of fantasy, the catalyzing of the state of mind and the construction of the fantasy in painting, and the strange effect of the unrealized vision experience for artist and the viewers. Chapter THREE” The characteristic” integrates the common characteristics of the paintings in this essays, and amplify the inside and method of the creation. According to the chapters, arrayed by time, eight paintings are taken as the examples to address the motive and connotation. Chapter FOUR ”Ultimatum” makes a conclusion for all of the paintings in the dissertation, and address the sentiment and anticipation for my ink-painting.


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