  • 學位論文


Travel freely in nature-chinese ink painting

指導教授 : 羅振賢


中國山水畫之歷史淵源久遠,在每個朝代中有許多不同風格面貌,代表著每 個時代山水畫之走向,就算到了今天也是一樣,發展著屬於這時代的風格與樣貌, 只是時間還未久遠,難以看出時代完整面貌。在這時代中,其中一種表現山水方 式,則是講求去體悟真正自然之景物,透過素描寫生追求的方式雖然與過去略有 不同,但同樣創作是藉由藝術家本身,在自然之中,尋找貼近生活之景色,並藉 由寫生與蒐集資料,將悠遊自然時的心情寫下,讓作品能更貼近於生活,達到生 動、親切、自然,讓觀賞者能有直接的貼切感受。透過此次創作研究,藉以傳統 中國山水畫精神結合西式寫生觀念,以水墨畫創作表達筆者對於悠遊自然之情感, 與追求傳統水墨創作之意境美學,期有助於開創自我水墨畫新風貌。 本次創作研究分六個章節來談論研究所水墨創作與學習,架構如下: 第一章、緒論: 概述對於此次創作研究之方向、目標、範圍,與此次創作 研究的目的與方法。, 第二章、悠遊自然之學理探討:透過了解歷代中國山水的演變,了解其大致 風貌的發展走向與創作之觀念。 第三章、自然中樹石之美學觀:本章主要談論有關於美學觀,透過造形;內 涵、色彩、學理的方式闡述。 第四章、悠遊自然創作思維:探討過去不論古今,創作者對於創作時所賦予 物象的理念、意境、寓意。 第五章、悠遊自然創作實踐與分析:此章節探討筆者對於創作的理念與實際 創作後之成果,並加以分析。 第六章、結論:回顧與省思,針對研究所這段時間的創作研究歸納總結,並 期未來於創作上的發展之斟酌。


悠遊自然 山水 水墨 意境


Chinese landscape has been existed for a long time that with different styles representing different creating ways of each dynasty. Even now, Chinese landscape is still developing a new style. In this age, it is hard to say which style can be represented because it is too short for the history fluid. One of the ways for the present Chinese landscape is observing and sketching the real views from the nature by the western method. Artist uses this western method that is different from the past on their performance, but it doesn’t change on the expressing of feeling.Artist tries to find out something which is closing to the real life and make their performance more touch audience’s heart via taking pictures and collecting the information from their traveling experience in the nature. In this study, the Author combines traditional Chinese landscape and western sketch skills to present the feeling of traveling free in the nature and the artistic conception of traditional Chinese landscape. I. instruction: describe the research direction, method, and purpose of this study. II. The discussion of traveling free in the nature: To understand the transform of Chinese landscape and the creating concepts. III. Trees and stones: we are going to talk about aesthetics from aspect of modeling, connotation, chromatics, and other theories. IV. The idea of traveling free in the nature: no matter pass or now, the author gives the artistic conception and meaning. V. The practice and analysis: In this chapter, the author analysis the creating ideas and result according to the theories. VI. Conclusion: Review and reflect this period. Provide some advices for the future creating.


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李義弘著,《自然與畫意》,台北市:雄獅圖書股份有限公司,1991 年。
李可染著,《李可染畫論》,台北市:丹青圖書有限公司,1985 年。
李澤厚著,《華夏美學》,台北市:三民書局股份有限公司,1996 年。
