

本論述以創作者在不同環境中生活所感受到的衝擊為主軸,內容敘述創作與環境的關係,影響個人創作的起源與歷程。以「空間轉移的痕跡」為創作命題,藉此探討環境轉換與自我、心理、感受等因素的關聯,並審閱與檢視自我的創作形式與內容,以釐清個人內在的思考脈絡。 本論述共五章,第一章為前言,包括創作動機與背景、創作系譜,主要說明所處環境與創作間的關係。第二章為創作形式,針對創作手法、媒材使用等進行描述。第三章主要探討作品內容、作品創作形式與當代藝術的關係。第四章為作品說明,總結創作歷程。第五章為結語。


藝術創作 焦躁 版畫 線條 環境


The main point of this essay is using the striking sensations that the creator perceived in different kinds of environment in his life as an axis. Its content displayed the interplay of creating and environment, which affected the basis and process of creation. “The Trace of Place Shift”was chosen as the title in order to the explore the relationship amongst the changes in environment, ego, psychological status, physical emotions and so on, further more to review and inspect the format and contents of my works, in order to redefine my inner contemplating system and form. There are five chapters in this thesis. Chapter one is the preface, which includes the motive, purpose, content and scope of the research, and which is to define the research and to illustrate the relationship between the environment and my works. Chapter two focuses on the artist’s consciousness and techniques in the course of creating, elaborates also upon the mediums employed. Chapter three analyzes the theme in the form and style of my works in connection with modern art. Chapter four, the conclusion, summarizes the creation history and contains detailed exposition of my works. Chapter five the Conclusion, summarizes the creation history of works and reflects future extension.


art creation anxiety printmaking line environment


Jean Baudrillard《擬仿物與擬像》譯者:洪凌,時報出版,1998
Jean Baudrillard《波灣戰爭不曾發生》譯者:黃建宏,邱德亮,麥田,2003
McNiff, Shaun,《藝術治療》譯者:許邏灣 ,新路出版,1999
Art Now,Taschen, Koln ; New York

