  • 學位論文


Natural Trace and Flowing Memory

指導教授 : 陳愷璜


本創作論述,係以個人2005年至2009年期間的創作為主要範圍,將此期間創作形式與作品內容陳述。藉由直觀的創作,以及回顧反芻與還原的過程,來面對真實的內在,以及或許一直存在而未曾看見的自己。 本論述分五章, 第一章、創作動機與實踐,於作者創作歷程中,主要描述日常生活觸及自然與創作情境的連結;創作方法選取,在創作過程中透過觀察自然與媒材形塑的使用,展開單色系列的創作狀態。 第二章、創作棲境,說明作者生命情境與環境記憶的視覺經驗關係。 第三章、創作理念與存在經驗,在植物的形態與畫面空間的安置,形成繪畫痕跡變異,在創作當下時間流逝感,則由時間中產生流動記憶。第四章、記憶的轉化與綿延,創作時記憶的空間遊走,詮釋同一系列主題的轉化,將畫面的動勢與視點聚焦,不同空間具有節奏轉換,由視覺張力上取得平衡與律動,在繪畫痕跡變異中,形成生命趨動的演譯。 第五章、創作作品的時間軸探索,陳述創作作品與生命經驗的累積。 平常在工作之餘,眼睛疲累的時候,只要花2分鐘走出廠房外,看著廠外的大樹、不知名的植物,就讓我頓時忘記疲勞,專注在當下的觀看。偶爾,在二樓向窗外望去,即可看見正對大門口,迎著東面方向的兩棵不名的老樹,隨著四季的輪轉,默默地進行生息的循環,從枯黃的褐色到青翠的綠,在這樣自然的環境與內心感受的作用下,這充滿生命力的情境蔓延,讓創作的思維,產生屬於「回歸自然」的生活觀照與創作聚焦。


This description and explanation include my personal works of art between 2005-2009. It concerns with the form and the content of my works. By direct observation and through the process of memory and rumination, I try to face my real inner world and the already existent but unseen inner-self. This description contains five chapters, chapter I. Motivation and creating: In the process of creating, I mainly described what I had touched in my daily life and the association of nature and my working situation; selection of creating method through the observation of nature and the usage of materials, series of monochrome works were made. Chapter II. Creating situation. In this chapter I tried to explain the relationship of my life and my visual experience provoked by the environmental memory . Chaper III. The idea of creating and the existent experience. Through the observation of plant morphology and the arrangement of spatial composition, the variation of painting process was formed. The sense of time flow during the process of creating, memory flow was evoked. Chapter IV. The transformation and the persistence of memory. This chapter included moving arounds of my memory, explaining the transformation of a series of subject, focusing the dynamic of composition and the view point. Rhythmic changes in different spaces, a balance and a rhythm was obtained through visual tension. The variation of painting process, the motivation of my life can be translated. ChapterV. The exploration of the time of creating. Detail description of my art works and my life experiences over the years were made. After work, when my eyes were exhausted, I walked out of the factory, I gazed at the big tress, unnamed plants, the fatigue was totally gone spontaneously in two minutes and I tried to focus my attention on observation.Occasionally, as I looked outside the window on the second floor, the outdoor gate was in my sight. Two unknown big trees facting the east, were running their life cycle silently, from dry yellow-brown to fresh- green. Under this natural environment and the sensation of feeling, the spread of my energetic life led my creative thinking back to nature.


1. 小王子/聖修伯里(Antoine de Saint Exupéry)著,張家琪 譯。《小王子Le Petit Prince》,2010年,台北縣:木馬文化出版。
2. 尤昭良 著。《塞尚與柏格森》,2004年,桂林:廣西師範大學(簡體版)。
3. 彼得.湯京士(Peter Tompkins)克里斯多福.柏德(Christopher Bird)著,薛絢 譯。《植物的秘密生命:從花仙子到夸克中存在的不為人知的自然心靈》,1998年,台北市:台 灣商務。
4. 約翰•伯格 著•何佩樺 譯。《另類的出口》,2006年,台北市:麥田出版。
5. 康丁斯基 著•吳瑪俐 譯。《點線面》,1985年,台北市:藝術家出版。

