

本篇論述旨在闡述個人於研究所期間的創作理念和狀態,從生活經驗的感知中,把「平常」、「平淡」這種無法言喻的感覺試圖保留下來。創作過程以提取我的記憶的形式概念,作為創作的論述軸線。每一次展開的記憶,都將過去的某一時刻與不斷發生的當下相互連結,而連結的方式因人而異,我透過絹印的形式,把記憶中的影像,在一層層堆疊的同時,當下感受與記憶之間便會產生一種模糊卻又真實的狀態。 全文共分為五章,第一章闡述日常生活的“平常性”是我創作的核心,並簡略敘述企圖再現的感知樣貌。第二章說明記憶的模式如何影響創作思考,多以片段、瑣碎的方式進行。第三章描述因“進入”工作室模式,使我的創作型態與作品樣貌有所改變,並就媒材的特性,說明在創作上的必要性。第四章以個人作品說明為主,首先提及自然在我生命扮演的角色,並以馬克・羅斯科(Mark Rothko,1903-1970)與瓊・米謝爾(Joan Mitchell,1925-1992)的創作來相互探討和比較。第五章為結語,回觀個人創作與未來期許。


記憶 風景 感知 痕跡


The purpose of this study is to explore my personal creative philosophy and state in graduate school. From my perceptions and experiences in life, I attempt to preserve the kind of routine, plain and unspeakable feelings. In the process of creation, I draw from my memory as the foundation of my creative discourse. Each time I draw upon my memory, it is connected to a moment in the past, while the connection created differs from individual to individual. Through silkscreen printing, I try to create layers of images in my memory. As a result, the perception and the memory of a specific moment creates a state of vagueness and reality. The thesis is written of five chapters. Chapter 1 of the study explores how the “normality” or “routineness” of daily life is the core of my art creation, while elaborating on the perception I am trying to present. Chapter 2 explores how the mode of memory influences my philosophy of creation, and how my thinking about creation is usually fragmented and scattered. Chapter 3 depicts how by “getting into” the studio mode, the form and face of my creation changed as a result. This chapter also discusses the necessity the characteristics of the medium used. Chapter 4 focuses on my personal art creation, and explores the role of nature in my life. At the same time, the work of Mark Rothko (1903-1970) and Joan Mitchell (1925-1992) are discussed and compared. Chapter 5 concludes the study and reflects upon my personal work while also including future prospects.


Memory Trace Perception Landscape


Douwe Draaisma,張朝霞譯,《記憶的風景》,台北市,漫遊者文化,2013
Mark H. Ashcraft,陳學志主譯,《認知心理學》,台北市,學富文化,2004
Robert H. Mckim,蔡子瑋譯,《視覺思考的經驗》,台北市,六和出版社,2002


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