  • 學位論文


Memory . Recital – Reproduction of the Body-Sense Space in Memory

指導教授 : 蔡懷國


本創作論述主要目標在於整理筆者現時創作之背景動機,透過研究相關 文獻與資料,並分析創作的內涵與核心概念,透過「空間記憶」與「再現空 間記憶」兩者的創作活動,釐清筆者在現階段創作脈絡與過往的關聯。 首先本論文之第一章從筆者之創作背景開始,在成長的過程中找尋創作 的動機,在人格發展的過程中會養成每個人的不同特質,由於創作發自於自 身的特質,因此以第一章的篇幅敘寫;第二章則為了找尋相關的文獻以及學 理依據,筆者主要研究相關醫學以及心理學之資料,找尋跟記憶相關之條目 加以釐清筆者在創作時運用的記憶特質,以及在空間相關辨識能力的資料。 第三章為創作論述中的重要名詞「再現」之解釋,筆者依據層次的不同分三 節敘寫,由再現行為到再現記憶行為,最後一個層次則是再現空間記憶的行 為,由大到小的範圍去釐清筆者論述的核心問題。最後的第四章綜觀創作之 內容與形式,由作品本身構成一系列的脈絡研究表現形式與內涵,藉由本系 列作品創作的過程形成,演變自始至終的創作形式加以探討,最末節則是從 作品的過去與現在描繪未來可能的形式,以一個階段的終點來做為下一個階 段的起點。


The thesis is aimed to organize the background and motivation and analyze the creation concept and core idea through the research of the relative documents and data. By the creation of “ Space Memory” and “ Reproduction of the Space Memory”, the thesis is to clarify the connection between the creation concept of present and the past. Chapter one reviews my personal background and learning experiences to search for the creation motivation from my growing process. Chapter Two investigates the relative medical and physical documents trying to clarify the memory characteristics I employed in my creation and works. Chapter Three explains the important noun - “ Reproduction”. From the behavior of “ Reproduction” to the behavior of “ Memory Reproduction” to the last level – the behavior of “ Reproduction of Space Memory”, I clarify the core idea of my thesis. Chapter Four investigates the contents and forms of this series of works from the process of my creation. Finally, the last section reveals the possible forms from the past and present of my works hoping to start my future creation from this series of works.


memory space memory reproduction memory reproduction


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